Orange County Recovery – Christian Option

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Addiction is Bondage – Orange County Recovery

Jesus said So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.”  (John 8:36)

Get Set Free  Orange County Recovery

Long term sobriety starts with a level of brokenness, a sincere surrender and a willingness to put forth the necessary effort suggested by those that are living examples of true freedom.  There are no shortcuts along this journey.  It is said that “half measures avail us nothing” but it’s only natural for the typical addict or alcoholic to seek an easier, softer way.  When a true level of brokenness becomes obvious to the afflicted one, the path to freedom becomes more attractive.  Reason being, denial is very real and no one seeks a solution for a problem they can’t see or don’t believe exists.  Orange County Recovery works

Moving Beyond Clean & Sober – Orange County Recovery

There is a significant difference between being getting clean and actually participating in the process called recovery. A transition begins to take place once the substance is removed from the body, and only then can recovery effectively begin. Being clean is a term too often misunderstood.  It is merely the condition of a person after detox, before actual recovery begins.  The term clean relates to the physical body, and the term recovery for the most part, focuses on the soul and spirit, encouraging spiritual maturity while addressing issues that include the mind, will and emotions.  Try Orange County Recovery

Understanding the Underlying Causes of Addiction

Once clean, if the process of recovery doesn’t immediately follow, there is a fatal risk present.  Without the comfort of alcohol or drugs, the problems that initially led to substance use are now magnified and blatantly staring them in the face.  Here resides a literal fork in the road, and if recovery doesn’t quickly begin, gravitating back into bondage is almost definite.  There are reasons why people exhibit such self destructive behaviors and there is a absolute guaranteed solution.  The manifestation of addiction will never fully leave unless the deeply rooted initial cause is uncovered and properly processed.

Tools Necessary to Maintain Long-term Freedom

There is a wide variety of options available to help maintain a life free from substance abuse.  The Christian approach has mush more to offer than your typical secular programs.  Choose a Christian program and see how Jesus will forever change your life.  Give Jesus a chance and see how He will forever change your life.  He will break the chains, set you free and transform you into the person you were created you to be.  – Orange County Recovery works

Our clinical directors are well known published authors whose materials are used throughout the country and even the world.  New Life Spirit Recovery was established in 2005 and has been recognized by many credible ministries such a Focus on the Family and Calvary Chapel.  – Orange County Recovery works

We’re Here to Help

Are you or a friend in need of help? Please contact us or give us a call today: (866) 543-3361  – Orange County Recovery works

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For Family resources, click here


How Do I find a Good Christian Treatment Center?

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Christian Treatment Center

Finding a good treatment center is really about deciding what your criteria will be and then developing a screening process designed to weed out the places that don’t fit your criteria.  Here are some of our recommendations.

Before you begin your search, pray.  Invite the Holy Spirit into the process.  Let Him guide you as you navigate your way through the many options available.  Some of the searches we recommend are, Christian Rehabs, Christian Drug and Alcohol Treatment, Christ-centered Rehabs, and Christian Addiction Treatment Programs.  Think of the words you use in your search as your initial screening.  Now it’s time to start making some phone calls.

We believe programs that assess and address emotional, spiritual, physical, and psychological (when needed) needs are the most effective.  Leaving out any one of those components leaves the door open for relapse. Developing a screening process that addresses all of these components will thin out the options.

Assessing a program in how they deal with the physical is really about determining the methods used to detoxify the body.  Will a doctor be doing an assessment?  Will there be medication involved?  Think of detox as a period of time when the addict is in a controlled environment, has been assessed by a doctor, and is put on a protocol of medications (when necessary) to help them through the physical withdrawal symptoms associated with pain medications, heroin, alcohol, and other substances.  (For more information please see our article When is Detox Necessary?)  We believe that medications should end with detox. “Will my son/daughter be leaving detox on medication?” By asking these questions you will come to see that all detox facilities are not created equal.  What you want to know is, what condition is your loved going to be in when their detox is complete.

Emotional healing is something that takes place in the counseling room.  We believe the most effective process is one where all principles are filtered through the Word of God.  You might ask something like this, “What is the goal of your counseling process?”

Where groups and classes are concerned you can ask for a program schedule and determine if those classes are Biblically-based or whether they are secular in nature.

Although a Christian treatment program is considered faith-based, not all faith-based programs are Christian.  In the current climate we find ourselves living in, the term ‘faith-based’ can mean many different things.  The idea is to discern whether the faith-based program you have called shares your beliefs.  You can ask, “How much of program is Biblically-based?”

The counselor is also a significant part of the process and there are major differences between counselors and the counseling modalities they utilize in the counseling room.  It is either man’s theories that are practiced or a Biblical principles and they are literally worlds apart.  There is either a secular worldly counselor utilizing worldly modalities, a counselor that is a Christian but utilizes worldly modalities, or a Christian counselor utilizing a Biblical world view (Biblical principles).

We encourage you to research and learn!  Please call us if we can assist you with a Christian drug rehab at 866.543.3361 or visit

New Life Spirit Recovery is Christ-centered Christian program that deals with the whole person utilizing Biblical principles.  All of our teachers and counselors are spirit filled Christians, clinically trained state certified professionals the counsel with Biblical principles. 

7 Things a Man Needs in Treatment

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7 Things A Man Needs For Successful Treatment

Men are created with unique and specific needs. When searching for a Christian drug and alcohol treatment program, understanding the needs of men specifically is vital to the long-term success of the program. What specifically should you look for when searching for a program?

#1. Understand a man’s greatest need is respect.

Understand a man’s greatest need is respect.

A man has been wired to desire and need respect. In fact, respect is the greatest expression of love a man can receive. By his very nature, a man looks to be respected for his competency in his position as an employee, husband and father. He wants to know that at a core level that he has worth – and that the people around him believes in what he is accomplishing. A man feels disrespected when his authority is negated or defied, his decisions are met with criticism or rejection, or when he feels controlled or “mothered” rather than lovingly submitted to. When a man doesn’t feel respected, he feels unloved…and that hurts. So he turns to something that will take the pain of rejection away such as alcohol or drugs. Even if the man has lost the respect of others, his need for it doesn’t disappear and he needs the opportunity by others around him to regain it. At New Life Spirit Recovery, we help our men clients connect with the love of God so they can regain respect for themselves and rebuild respect with others.

#2. Understand a man’s need to be productive.

Understand a man’s need to be productive.

God has commissioned man to work by the sweat of his brow (Gen. 3:19). So, deep within the soul of man is the need to be productive with his life. When a man isn’t working for a significant amount of time, he will feel unproductive and run the risk of falling into depression and he begins to lose his sense of purpose. The longer a man perceives himself as being “unproductive” or loses his sense of purpose, the deeper depression and hopelessness sets in. This can literally kill a man. When a man retires from the workforce, unless he has a hobby or is involved in meaningful volunteer work, it is not uncommon for the man to become very sick or even die a few years after retirement. This is why one of the reasons for addiction among men is their loss of vocation, identity and purpose. We attempt to help our male clients to discover that God is our identity and purpose giver and that we are not what we do, but rather who we are to God that He loves. Then as God’s identity and value dwells within us, what we produce moving forward in life will have eternal purpose and rewards, not just earthly ones.

#3. Understand a man’s need to feel and communicate.

Understand a man’s need to feel and communicate.

We have been taught from a very young age that, “Big boys don’t cry!”. We grow up learning to bury our feelings. Then we grow up as men suppressing our feelings with the inability to effectively communicate what we feel. The reason we have feelings and emotions is because God has feelings and emotions and we were created in His image. Feelings were never meant to be held in or sedated…they were meant to be expressed. We help our men clients to connect with their feelings and effectively communicate them. If we don’t engage our feelings and learn how to communicate what we feel, those feelings will come out whether we want them to or not…usually in unhealthy and destructive behaviors such as addiction. It isn’t easy for most men to start feeling after years of not feeling and to start effectively communicating these feelings without some assistance…and this is what we help our men clients with at New Life Spirit Recovery. What’s so exciting is that once that treasure chest of emotions is opened, the treasures inside are improved physical, emotional and spiritual healing, less internal stress and thriving relationships.

#4. Understand a man’s need for emotional intimacy

Understand a man’s need for emotional intimacy

From a very young age, men are taught to avoid appearing weak at all costs. Perceived “weakness” includes things like complaining, divulging fears or concerns, and expressing self-doubt or worry. A man’s partner is his safe space to fall. He needs to feel that he can expose the cracks in his armor and know that his partner is there to help him heal. A man needs to make sure that when he first cries in front of his wife or girlfriend, that she won’t be repelled or handle it poorly. If he is pushed away or is unable to be nurtured when he needs it the most, he will no longer trust his loved one with his emotions. He will remove himself somewhat from the relationship, or he will attempt to find another friend who won’t push him away like alcohol or drugs. In this instance, both partners lose…he goes on silently suffering and believing that he is flawed in his imperfection, and she is held at arm’s length emotionally or even physically. Ultimately, it is our intimacy with God that will allow us to stand in our weaknesses, acknowledge and embrace them, and with all humility allow God’s strength and His loving perspective of who we are to Him to get us through all of life’s struggles.

#5. Understand a man’s need for praise and approval.

Understand a man’s need for praise and approval

Men have very tender egos. We need frequent reassurance about ourselves, our career paths, our importance as partners and our attractiveness. A man loves to hear what exactly his partner finds attractive about him just as much as a woman does. A man periodically needs to be told by his partner what she loves so much about him. He likes to hear when he is told how attractive he is when he says something a certain way, when he accomplishes something, or when he does something unexpected or out of his comfort zone. If the client is not married or the client’s spouse in unable or unwilling to give the praise and approval that man desires, we attempt to help them connect with God at such an intimate level that they find contentment in the love, praise and approval of their Heavenly Father.

#6. Understand a man’s need for physical touch.

Understand a man’s need for physical touch.

Men do desire and need frequent non-sexual touch. If a man’s partner comes up behind him and touches his neck and hair in a loving way while he sits absorbed in a task, he experiences a sense of closeness, acceptance and approval. This touch is interpreted as physical love. The message he feels is…“I love you, and I want you to feel happy all the time. Know that I’m always here for you and I care for you deeply.” Gary Smalley a Christian Marriage and Family Counselor says that the average person needs eight significant touches a day in order to feel loved and accepted.

#7. Understand a man’s need for space.

Understand a man’s need for space.

Suffocating a man (either by failing to allow him free time, or with overly jealous behavior, or trying to work his program for him when he comes home from rehab) is the fastest way to stress out or even destroy a relationship. Men need breathing room. We need time for our hobbies, time with our healthy friends, and time to plunk away on our projects to feel fulfilled. God is a God of freedom…not of control. God is freedom because freedom lives in love and God is love. God gives us the freedom to love or to hate, to obey or disobey, to accept or reject…and He gives us this freedom because He loves us. But He does not give anyone (including Himself) the freedom to control anyone. To do so would violate the first gift He gives us…free will. In our Family Program, we meet with the family members of our clients to help them through their hurts and offenses as the result of living with addiction in the home. We also prepare the family members how to receive and relate with the client when he comes back home so that there can be a level of accountability without slipping into a “control” mode.


At New Life Spirit Recovery, we believe a man’s true identity is found in Jesus Christ. Learning to embrace the design of a man is a deeply rich and purposeful journey. If you know someone who needs help, please don’t hesitate to get help today! Learn more about the clinical activities we use to take a man out of bondage and into freedom in Christ. Call us at 866.543.3361 or learn more about our treatment program by clicking here.