The “Opioid Epidemic” is becoming an all too familiar term

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All drugs in the opioid class have similar effects to heroin. Other opioids include opium, morphine, oxycodone, OxyContin, hydrocodone, fentanyl, codeine and carfentanil. The effects of these drugs include pain relief, cough suppression, a false sense of well-being, drowsiness, constipation, difficulty concentrating, slowed breathing, and apathy. Like heroin, all these drugs can lead to physical and psychological dependence, as well as fatal overdoses.

What are opioids and what are their differences?

  • Heroin – Heroin is made from the opium poppy and the process of producing it incorporates various chemicals and involves many steps. It is snorted, smoked or injected. Typically, many that became addicted to heroin started with prescription medication, opioids such as OxyContin or Percocet. Then at some point, the prescription medication either became too expensive or unavailable.  Since heroin is typically cheaper and readily available on the street, it becomes the next best option. When an addict is dope sick, in desperation, they will do things they never dreamed of doing just to get well.
  • Fentanyl – Fentanyl is a second-generation synthetic-class opioid, highly addictive and 50 to 100 times more powerful than morphine. Fentanyl was initially intended to manage chronic pain in patients with serious health conditions such as cancer, or after an invasive surgical procedure. It is categorized as a prescription pain reliever sold in an injectable form, a lozenge or lollipop, or as an extended-release patch. It is also manufactured illegally and sold on the black market. This drug surfaced on the streets of New York in the early 1970’s and bore the label “China white”. Today, Fentanyl is cheaply made and commonly substituted for heroin or added to it to increase its effects.  This is very dangerous and often leads to fatal overdoses.
  • Carfentanil – Carfentanil is structurally equivalent to fentanyl but much more powerful, literally 100 times more powerful. It has a similar chemical makeup but differs in some ways. This substance was initially licensed to sedate large animals such as elephants and can be up to 4000 times more powerful than heroin.  Prior to 2017, it was considered a non-controlled substance in China and easily purchased through the mail.  Similar in appearance to table salt, just 1 mg added to a half gram of heroin is powerful enough to kill 25,000 people.

If you suspect that someone you love or care about is using, abusing or addicted to opioids, there’s no time to waste. Please don’t wait until it’s too late.  When in doubt, be sure to check it out.

It is very important to understand that these synthetic substances do not necessarily show up in your typical store bought (over-the-counter) test kit.  They should be obtained and administered by a professional for certain accuracy.

We can help!  Call 866.543.3361 today or visit us at for supportive resources and treatment options, including a free intervention book. We are leaders in Christ centered, clinically based addiction treatment for men and women since 2005.  If we can’t help, we will find someone who can.

#HopeDealer #FindRecovery #OpioidCrisis  #OpioidEpidemic  #FindHope #AddictionHelp #FindFreedom



How Do I find a Good Christian Treatment Center?

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Christian Treatment Center

Finding a good treatment center is really about deciding what your criteria will be and then developing a screening process designed to weed out the places that don’t fit your criteria.  Here are some of our recommendations.

Before you begin your search, pray.  Invite the Holy Spirit into the process.  Let Him guide you as you navigate your way through the many options available.  Some of the searches we recommend are, Christian Rehabs, Christian Drug and Alcohol Treatment, Christ-centered Rehabs, and Christian Addiction Treatment Programs.  Think of the words you use in your search as your initial screening.  Now it’s time to start making some phone calls.

We believe programs that assess and address emotional, spiritual, physical, and psychological (when needed) needs are the most effective.  Leaving out any one of those components leaves the door open for relapse. Developing a screening process that addresses all of these components will thin out the options.

Assessing a program in how they deal with the physical is really about determining the methods used to detoxify the body.  Will a doctor be doing an assessment?  Will there be medication involved?  Think of detox as a period of time when the addict is in a controlled environment, has been assessed by a doctor, and is put on a protocol of medications (when necessary) to help them through the physical withdrawal symptoms associated with pain medications, heroin, alcohol, and other substances.  (For more information please see our article When is Detox Necessary?)  We believe that medications should end with detox. “Will my son/daughter be leaving detox on medication?” By asking these questions you will come to see that all detox facilities are not created equal.  What you want to know is, what condition is your loved going to be in when their detox is complete.

Emotional healing is something that takes place in the counseling room.  We believe the most effective process is one where all principles are filtered through the Word of God.  You might ask something like this, “What is the goal of your counseling process?”

Where groups and classes are concerned you can ask for a program schedule and determine if those classes are Biblically-based or whether they are secular in nature.

Although a Christian treatment program is considered faith-based, not all faith-based programs are Christian.  In the current climate we find ourselves living in, the term ‘faith-based’ can mean many different things.  The idea is to discern whether the faith-based program you have called shares your beliefs.  You can ask, “How much of program is Biblically-based?”

The counselor is also a significant part of the process and there are major differences between counselors and the counseling modalities they utilize in the counseling room.  It is either man’s theories that are practiced or a Biblical principles and they are literally worlds apart.  There is either a secular worldly counselor utilizing worldly modalities, a counselor that is a Christian but utilizes worldly modalities, or a Christian counselor utilizing a Biblical world view (Biblical principles).

We encourage you to research and learn!  Please call us if we can assist you with a Christian drug rehab at 866.543.3361 or visit

New Life Spirit Recovery is Christ-centered Christian program that deals with the whole person utilizing Biblical principles.  All of our teachers and counselors are spirit filled Christians, clinically trained state certified professionals the counsel with Biblical principles. 

How do I help my Christian daughter who is addicted to drugs?

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When someone you love is caught in the spiral of addiction, finding help can be difficult. Modern medicine changes almost daily, and thus the information you receive also changes. As Christians, understanding science helps to an extent, after all we are created by God and He is in charge of science. But to think that addiction is simply an organic brain issue is simply false. There are many reasons why a person ends up in the pathway of addiction. Properly understood, it is a involves the mind (separate from the brain), emotions, trauma, spiritual life and also physical realities of addiction.  While not everyone needs to go to a rehab that involves time away from daily life, learning your options right now is vital. You can clear the highway of confusing information by working through your own research.

If you are at a place of needing to do an intervention through a Christ-centered approach,

Here are some important things to understand

You want to love your daughter and hate the addiction. How do you do this? By recognizing that she isn’t her addiction. Her addiction is the enemy that is stealing her life.

You want to feed solutions to your daughter that will kill the addiction, but bring life to her. This happens when you stop anything you are doing that will bring comfort to her ability to continue to use. This can vary, but it may be overly bailing her out or allowing her irresponsible behavior.

You can establish an actual intervention on your daughter. Read the book Breaking Point as a free reference guide to how this is established. A christian addicted to drugs has better alternative because she has the Spirit of God active and ready. It’s vital that you keep praying for wisdom and understanding.

You can allow the pain of her choices to lead her to solutions.

You can research options and programs when and if she’s ready for change, providing incentives to get help, and consequences for not getting help.

You can speak honestly, in love about your concerns without judging or sounding religious

You can remind her that God loves her no matter what, and has a plan and purpose for her life.

If you decide you want a Christ centered drug rehabilitation or need to speak someone to guide you through this, please call New Life Spirit Recovery Treatment at 866.543.3361.

The Opiate Crisis

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The opioid epidemic is being called the worst public health crisis in American history. When it comes to taking opioids, the United States leads the world in opiate addiction. For every one million Americans, almost 50,000 doses of opioids are taken every day.

If you need help recovering from opiates, contact us today!

The opioid crisis is directly related to the massive increase of prescription and non-prescription opioid drugs in the United States beginning in the late 1990s and continuing with an alarming increase into 2018. Opioids are a diverse class of painkillers, which include oxycodone (OxyContin and Percocet), hydrocodone (Vicodin), and a very strong painkiller, fentanyl, which is a synthesized version of opioids. The potency and availability of these substances have made them popular both as formal medical treatments and as recreational drugs.

Opiates are often prescribed to cancer patients for pain relief and to patients recovering from surgery. But take too many and you have a problem, which has proven to be the case in the U.S. But why? Let’s take a closer look.

Read our series on Opioid Addiction

prescribed pills and opiates on counter prescribed by doctor


Doctors Prescribe Lots of It

Often times doctors prescribe opiates as pain management solution. Some doctors also feel a great pressure of giving the patient the pain relievers because the doctor knows that if the patient doesn’t receive the pain killers from him/her, the patient will go to another doctor and get what they want…hence potentially losing a patient.

Professor Judith Feinberg from the West Virginia University School of Medicine says, “Most insurance, especially for poor people, won’t pay for anything but a pill. Say you have a patient that’s 45 years old. They have lower back pain, you examine them, they have a muscle spasm. Really the best thing is physical therapy, but no one will pay for that. So doctors get very ready to pull out the prescription pad. Even if the insurance covers physical therapy, you probably need prior authorization (from the insurer) – which is a lot of time and paperwork.”



Kick Back from Pharmaceutical Companies

Professor Keith Humphreys from Stanford University notes that in the US, it is common for drug companies to court doctors, in an effort to promote their products. “When you’re a doctor in the US, these salespeople come in from the industry. They are invariably smooth, friendly, attractive, sharply dressed, adorable, they’re giving out gifts to everybody. They host dinners, they sponsor conferences, they sponsor junkets. That is going to affect prescribing.”

In 2016, a study looked at the link between doctors, the free meals they received from drug companies, and the medication they prescribed. The study found receiving free meals was “associated with an increased rate of prescribing the promoted brand-name medication”. Pharmaceutical companies say their reps are merely sharing information with doctors. But Professor Humphreys says there is a “corrupting” influence.

Poor Training

Until very recently, doctors were under the misconception about just how addictive various drugs actually are. Doctors received virtually very little, if no training in pain management and what training they did get often came from the nursing staff that the doctors worked with. Fortunately, this is beginning to change in the training of doctors.


Ignorant Assumptions

In 1980, Dr Hershel Jick wrote to the New England Journal of Medicine stating that “despite widespread use of narcotic drugs in hospitals, the development of addiction is rare in medical patients with no history of addiction”. Dr. Jick’s article had a big impact on the mindset of prescribed narcotics. Fortunately, this mindset has been proven to be erroneous.

A Culture of “Instant Cure”

We live in a “magic pill” culture. Lose weight…take a pill. Depressed…take a pill. Anxious…take a pill. Can’t sleep…take a pill. Have some pain…take a pill. Our culture has been lulled in believing that medicine can cure most of what ails us. A 51year-old finishes running a marathon and now he’s sore. He wasn’t sore when he ran the marathon at 30! So, he goes to the doctor believing his doctor will try to “fix” him and prescribe some muscle relaxants or pain killers.

Many other countries deal with pain in much healthier ways. A comparison study between the U.S. and Japan in how pain is dealt with showed that Japanese doctors treated acute pain with opioids 47% of the time…compared to 97% of the time in the U.S. There is a much greater willingness to prescribe pain killers in the U.S. than there is in most other countries.


The Christian and Opiates

A large percentage of the Church population, knowingly or unknowingly, are addicted to prescription opiates and have slid into their addiction simply because “My doctor prescribed them to me”. This is not to imply that your doctor is doing anything intentionally evil, but he may be prescribing them to you for the same or similar reasons mentioned above. After all, doctors put their pants on one leg at a time just like you!

Even though the doctor may want to prescribe opiates to you, the final say is still yours as to what you allow or don’t allow into your body. When it comes to mind altering drugs or any substance, we are called as Christians to remain sober in our mind (1 Pet. 5:8; Eph. 5:18; 1 Cor. 6:19). Otherwise, as our reasoning abilities are dulled and inhibitions are lowered, we leave ourselves open to all kinds of deception…some very subtle…others not so subtle and usually unhealthy behavior isn’t far behind. Read about what Jesus would do about addiction.


Some Practical Suggestions

We are not ignorant that there may be times in your life when you need to undergo some difficult and painful surgery and the doctor is going to want to prescribe you opiates to get you through the post-surgery pain. Below are some steps that you can take to help avoid and/or lessen the possibility of becoming addicted to any opiates that your doctor may prescribe to you in the event of a surgery.

  1. Talk with your doctor before the surgery and express to him/her your concerns about taking any addictive pain medication. Inquire as to whether or not there is an alternative non-addictive pain killer he can put you on. If so, request it.


  1. Before you take ANY medications from the nurse or doctor before or after the surgery, be sure to inquire as to what it is you are taking. If it is not in agreement with your prior meeting with your doctor refuse it and request what the doctor said he was going to give you.


  1. If there are no alternatives for your pain other than opiates, then request from your doctor that he prescribe only a 4-5 day prescription with no refills when they are gone. Give the prescription to a family member to administer to you who will keep them in a secret and safe place. Take the pain killers only on a sever “as needed” basis. When the pills are gone, you are done!


  1. For hospice patients, while there may be other reasons the patient may have for not to take opiates, addiction should not be the concern.


Opiate addiction is one the most common substances we at New Life Spirit Recovery find our clients coming in to find freedom from. If you find yourself in the midst of an opiate addiction that has caught you up in a bondage that you can’t seem to get out of by yourself, New Life Spirit Recovery is here to help you! Give us a call today! We will help you walk out of that bondage and into a the life that your God intended for you to live…one of freedom, hope and joy!


For additional information on opioids, read our series on Opiate Addiction:
Part 1: Understanding Opioid Addiction
Part 2: How to define an Opioid Addiction
Part 3: Christian Drug Treatment for Painkiller Addiction


False Adrenaline: Meth’s Fatal Lure

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Addiction and Emotional Isolation

Addiction, in most cases, is less about pleasure-seeking and more about a person’s need to escape and dissociate from the pain of emotional isolation. We are made with a craving at the core of our being for intimate, dependable and empathetic relationships. This craving has been placed into us by our Creator to cause us to seek out the fulfillment of that relationship need with Him and others.

Typically, our first relationship connection experience is with other human beings before it is with God and we quickly learn through traumatic experience that others cannot be trusted to reliably meet our need for intimate connection. This in turn hinders or even prevents authentic connect with our Heavenly Father because we interpret our connection with God through the filter of our human experiences. So, the conclusion is made that if I get vulnerable with people, I’ll get hurt…and if that’s true in all of my human relationships, that’s probably going to be true in a relationship with God.

Download our free guide “Breaking Point – A Christian Guide to Addiction Intervention”

People Often Turn to Meth for Unmet Emotional Needs

So, we learn to fear emotional vulnerability and intimacy and we distance ourselves from other people and God…pushing away the very solution to our core need that we innately crave. With both God and people now at “safe” distance, we find ourselves turning to addictive substances and/or behaviors as a way to “not feel” our unmet emotional intimacy needs.

One of the most common substances that people turn to to relieve these unmet emotional needs for intimacy is Methamphetamine…also known as Meth, Speed, Crank, Tweek, Uppers, Chalk, Christina, Tina, Go fast, Cookies, Cotton Candy, Dunk, Gak, Go-Go Juice, No Doze, White Cross, Pookie, Rocket Fuel, Scooby Snax, Wash, Trash, or Garbage.


brain waves and the addiction cycle

Why Meth?

Despite the inherent dangers, meth is alluring to many people, especially those who are trapped in their emotional pain. Meth is a stimulant that profoundly affects the brain. It causes the body to release 10 times its normal level of dopamine, the brain’s pleasure chemical. It also prompts a rush of norepinephrine, or adrenaline. For those who are feeling down in the dumps, meth can make someone feel like Superman – like they can do anything. Meth can produce a high that lasts hours or even days. Users have an increase in energy. Meth use also increases sex drive and enhance body movement and mood. Meth is often preferred over other stimulants, such as cocaine, because it is much easier obtain and very cheap.

When meth hits the bloodstream, it creates an artificial pleasure sensation by sending pleasure impulses to the brain. Dopamine is the body’s ultimate “feel good” chemical. With sex, dopamine levels jump to about 200 and cocaine use causes them to reach 350. Several studies, however, report that meth use spikes these levels to 1,250 units. Even from the first time someone uses meth, the high is significant, and the brain registers that experience as a “hard-coded” memory. From that moment on, the brain tries to recapture those same positive feelings that were experienced with the first use, which is often impossible. Your brain adapts to meth use almost immediately, which means that more and more of the drug is required each time to “chase” that initial high. This chase leads to severe meth addiction, which has some startling and horrifying effects on your body and mind.

Eventually the brain shuts down the production of dopamine because it is getting more than enough from the meth. The user then cannot experience any pleasure on their own. They must use meth in higher and higher amounts in order to feel happy. Over time, meth use will cause decreased levels of serotonin, a neurotransmitter similar to dopamine. This may lead to Alzheimer’s disease or Parkinson’s disease. Effects of meth abuse over time can be quite serious and some are even irreversible such as “Meth Mouth” (extreme tooth decay), seizures, impaired memory, psychosis and violent behavior, hallucinations, heart damage, kidney failure, STDs, coma and death.

How to Overcome the Need for Adreneline

Of course, the question we eventually have to ask ourselves is, “Is the short-term adrenaline rush that’s helping me avoid my hurt and pain worth the long term affects?” After all, when the “rush” has run its course…the problems, hurts and pains are still there beckoning for my attention.



The good news is that God sees us in our emotional isolation, self-made vices and addictions, and He not only engages us but He loves us and provides the way out.  While most counseling and treatment focuses on behavior modification and creating new patterns that produce different results, we know from God’s Word that the only way to a new life is to turn away from the old life.  The good news of the Bible is that God has the power and authority to give you a new heart: “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.” (Ezekiel 36:26). 

God does not see us in our self-induced sadness, depression, habitual sin, brokenness and addiction and just leave us there.  HE PROVIDES A WAY OUT.  He does not just modify the behavior…He fundamentally and profoundly transforms the heart. He does this by entering into the depths of our core need for intimate, dependable and empathetic relationship and reveals His heart’s love, forgiveness and grace to us. His love brings the inner healing that no human being can provide and the freedom and peace to our souls that goes beyond human expression and understanding. He proves Himself trustworthy in His love for us and we begin to experience “being loved”…maybe for the first time in our lives.

The adrenaline “rush” that comes from our surrender hearts to God’s love is like none that meth can provide…because it lasts and never stops! It empowers us to be strong in the midst of trials and tribulations! Instead of running into the arms of meth as our false comforter, we run into the arms of the True Comforter, Jesus Christ! It is He who becomes our strength to overcome and empowers us to walk in continued love, healing, peace and joy! Jesus is the TRUE “Adrenaline Rush” that leads to LIFE! Read more about the 4 things Jesus would do about addiction

At New Life Spirit Recovery, we want to help you overcome your addiction and help you realize the depth of God’s love for you! We would love to partner with you to become an overcomer and help you walk into your future free from your addiction and experiencing the greatest and truest adrenaline rush in all creation…God’s love!

Is Marijuana Addictive?

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It goes without saying that lots of people use marijuana.  In 2009, marijuana was the primary drug of abuse for 61 percent of persons under 15, and marijuana was the primary drug of abuse for roughly 18 percent of people aged 12 or older who entered drug abuse treatment programs. Marijuana use can lead to the development of problem use, known as a marijuana use disorder, which takes the form of addiction in severe cases. Recent data suggest that 30 percent of those who use marijuana may have some degree of marijuana use disorder. People who begin using marijuana before the age of 18 are four to seven times more likely to develop a marijuana use disorder than adults.

Download our free guide “Breaking Point – A Christian Guide to Addiction Intervention”

Is Marijuana Addictive?

Yes, but not in the way some might mean. The question about whether or not marijuana is addictive comes in various forms. Will I experience physical withdrawal symptoms if I suddenly stop marijuana? Is there anything to the idea that I might be psychologically dependent on a drug?  Could I quit if I wanted to?

Symptoms of Marijuana

Some people and groups that are in favor of medical marijuana or a broader legalization or it for recreational purposes argue that because marijuana does not have dramatic withdrawal symptoms like alcohol or heroin, therefore, it is not addictive. But there are two errors to this thinking. One is that the marijuana of today is more than two times stronger than it was twenty years ago (some studies show much stronger than that), and withdrawing from that is quite a different matter. The other is that it is simply not true: There ARE withdrawal symptoms when a chronic user stops using marijuana. Those symptoms can be irritability, insomnia, anxiety, nightmares, anger, fluctuating feelings; headaches, depression, loss of appetite and a craving to continue the drug.

These symptoms can be stronger or weaker for the person withdrawing, depending on how much marijuana he was smoking, how long, and his own unique physical and mental constitution.

Even though the physiological effects of marijuana withdrawal are generally mild, it is not correct to conclude that marijuana is not addictive, because being addicted to something is more than simply being physically dependent on a drug and experiencing physiological effects if the drug is stopped suddenly. “Addiction” refers to behaviors that are compulsive, partially out of control or worse, and often escalating in severity and intensity.

Criteria of Addiction

Marijuana use disorder becomes addiction when the person cannot stop using the drug even though it interferes with many aspects of his or her life. Estimates of the number of people addicted to marijuana are controversial, in part because studies of substance use often use dependence as a proxy for addiction even though it is possible to be dependent without being addicted. Those studies suggest that 9 percent of people who use marijuana will become dependent on it, rising to about 17 percent in those who start using in their teens.

In 2015, about 4.0 million people in the United States met the diagnostic criteria for a marijuana use disorder; 138,000 voluntarily sought treatment for their marijuana use.

Risk Factors

What are the odds of becoming addicted to marijuana? Studies have shown that of all the people who use marijuana, about on in eleven will become addicted. When a young person begins smoking marijuana in his or her teens, there is a one in six chance of the teen becoming addicted.

According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, more than 360,000 people were admitted into treatment in 2010 for addiction, with marijuana as the primary drug of choice. Twenty-eight percent of those admissions or 103,000 people were between twelve and seventeen years old. (This figure applies only to publicly-funded facilities so the actual number is much higher.) Forty-three percent were under 21.

Because of greatly increased potency, mental distress, panic attacks and other problems have also increased. In 2011, there were nearly half a million visits to ERs related to problems with marijuana use. Common symptoms were severe nausea, vomiting, high blood pressure, anxiety, panic attacks and paranoia.

A Biblical Stand

With the advent of marijuana becoming legalized in more states in the US for “recreational” use, these statistics will only become worse as people will perceive the Government’s authoritative “permission” towards marijuana as a “condoning” of its use. However, we are reminded in the Bible that while we have the freedom to do all things…not all things are profitable (1 Cor. 10:23). In other words, just because I can do it legally…will it benefit me in the end? The question God is wanting us to answer is…”Will I place my trust in marijuana to relieve my physical, emotional, spiritual pain and stresses…or in Him who knows me inside and out and who seeks and desires to give me His Peace that surpasses human understanding?”

At New Life Spirit Recovery, we stand on the Truth of God’s authoritative Word, which calls all people to love Him and walk in trust and dependence upon God for all our needs. Whenever we turn to anything that takes us out of a clear and sober mind (1 Peter 1:13) we step out of our God desired holiness and we open ourselves up to all kinds of temptations, evil influences and painful behaviors. It also is a statement of our faith level with God when we turn to something created by God or created by man to bring the comfort into our lives that only God Himself can and wants to provide. Whenever we do this with anything or anyone other than God…we dethrone God from our hearts and anoint our Idol as our new god.

We desire is to help our clients to learn and personally experience the heart of love that God has for them and how the One and True Living God can replace their dependency on marijuana, alcohol or any other substance with His all-powerful Love! When God’s love invades our hearts, peace prevails… freedom and joy reigns! After all…isn’t that what we’re all wanting? If you’ve tried everything else to kick your addiction…why not give God a chance at it this time?

7 Things a Man Needs in Treatment

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7 Things A Man Needs For Successful Treatment

Men are created with unique and specific needs. When searching for a Christian drug and alcohol treatment program, understanding the needs of men specifically is vital to the long-term success of the program. What specifically should you look for when searching for a program?

#1. Understand a man’s greatest need is respect.

Understand a man’s greatest need is respect.

A man has been wired to desire and need respect. In fact, respect is the greatest expression of love a man can receive. By his very nature, a man looks to be respected for his competency in his position as an employee, husband and father. He wants to know that at a core level that he has worth – and that the people around him believes in what he is accomplishing. A man feels disrespected when his authority is negated or defied, his decisions are met with criticism or rejection, or when he feels controlled or “mothered” rather than lovingly submitted to. When a man doesn’t feel respected, he feels unloved…and that hurts. So he turns to something that will take the pain of rejection away such as alcohol or drugs. Even if the man has lost the respect of others, his need for it doesn’t disappear and he needs the opportunity by others around him to regain it. At New Life Spirit Recovery, we help our men clients connect with the love of God so they can regain respect for themselves and rebuild respect with others.

#2. Understand a man’s need to be productive.

Understand a man’s need to be productive.

God has commissioned man to work by the sweat of his brow (Gen. 3:19). So, deep within the soul of man is the need to be productive with his life. When a man isn’t working for a significant amount of time, he will feel unproductive and run the risk of falling into depression and he begins to lose his sense of purpose. The longer a man perceives himself as being “unproductive” or loses his sense of purpose, the deeper depression and hopelessness sets in. This can literally kill a man. When a man retires from the workforce, unless he has a hobby or is involved in meaningful volunteer work, it is not uncommon for the man to become very sick or even die a few years after retirement. This is why one of the reasons for addiction among men is their loss of vocation, identity and purpose. We attempt to help our male clients to discover that God is our identity and purpose giver and that we are not what we do, but rather who we are to God that He loves. Then as God’s identity and value dwells within us, what we produce moving forward in life will have eternal purpose and rewards, not just earthly ones.

#3. Understand a man’s need to feel and communicate.

Understand a man’s need to feel and communicate.

We have been taught from a very young age that, “Big boys don’t cry!”. We grow up learning to bury our feelings. Then we grow up as men suppressing our feelings with the inability to effectively communicate what we feel. The reason we have feelings and emotions is because God has feelings and emotions and we were created in His image. Feelings were never meant to be held in or sedated…they were meant to be expressed. We help our men clients to connect with their feelings and effectively communicate them. If we don’t engage our feelings and learn how to communicate what we feel, those feelings will come out whether we want them to or not…usually in unhealthy and destructive behaviors such as addiction. It isn’t easy for most men to start feeling after years of not feeling and to start effectively communicating these feelings without some assistance…and this is what we help our men clients with at New Life Spirit Recovery. What’s so exciting is that once that treasure chest of emotions is opened, the treasures inside are improved physical, emotional and spiritual healing, less internal stress and thriving relationships.

#4. Understand a man’s need for emotional intimacy

Understand a man’s need for emotional intimacy

From a very young age, men are taught to avoid appearing weak at all costs. Perceived “weakness” includes things like complaining, divulging fears or concerns, and expressing self-doubt or worry. A man’s partner is his safe space to fall. He needs to feel that he can expose the cracks in his armor and know that his partner is there to help him heal. A man needs to make sure that when he first cries in front of his wife or girlfriend, that she won’t be repelled or handle it poorly. If he is pushed away or is unable to be nurtured when he needs it the most, he will no longer trust his loved one with his emotions. He will remove himself somewhat from the relationship, or he will attempt to find another friend who won’t push him away like alcohol or drugs. In this instance, both partners lose…he goes on silently suffering and believing that he is flawed in his imperfection, and she is held at arm’s length emotionally or even physically. Ultimately, it is our intimacy with God that will allow us to stand in our weaknesses, acknowledge and embrace them, and with all humility allow God’s strength and His loving perspective of who we are to Him to get us through all of life’s struggles.

#5. Understand a man’s need for praise and approval.

Understand a man’s need for praise and approval

Men have very tender egos. We need frequent reassurance about ourselves, our career paths, our importance as partners and our attractiveness. A man loves to hear what exactly his partner finds attractive about him just as much as a woman does. A man periodically needs to be told by his partner what she loves so much about him. He likes to hear when he is told how attractive he is when he says something a certain way, when he accomplishes something, or when he does something unexpected or out of his comfort zone. If the client is not married or the client’s spouse in unable or unwilling to give the praise and approval that man desires, we attempt to help them connect with God at such an intimate level that they find contentment in the love, praise and approval of their Heavenly Father.

#6. Understand a man’s need for physical touch.

Understand a man’s need for physical touch.

Men do desire and need frequent non-sexual touch. If a man’s partner comes up behind him and touches his neck and hair in a loving way while he sits absorbed in a task, he experiences a sense of closeness, acceptance and approval. This touch is interpreted as physical love. The message he feels is…“I love you, and I want you to feel happy all the time. Know that I’m always here for you and I care for you deeply.” Gary Smalley a Christian Marriage and Family Counselor says that the average person needs eight significant touches a day in order to feel loved and accepted.

#7. Understand a man’s need for space.

Understand a man’s need for space.

Suffocating a man (either by failing to allow him free time, or with overly jealous behavior, or trying to work his program for him when he comes home from rehab) is the fastest way to stress out or even destroy a relationship. Men need breathing room. We need time for our hobbies, time with our healthy friends, and time to plunk away on our projects to feel fulfilled. God is a God of freedom…not of control. God is freedom because freedom lives in love and God is love. God gives us the freedom to love or to hate, to obey or disobey, to accept or reject…and He gives us this freedom because He loves us. But He does not give anyone (including Himself) the freedom to control anyone. To do so would violate the first gift He gives us…free will. In our Family Program, we meet with the family members of our clients to help them through their hurts and offenses as the result of living with addiction in the home. We also prepare the family members how to receive and relate with the client when he comes back home so that there can be a level of accountability without slipping into a “control” mode.


At New Life Spirit Recovery, we believe a man’s true identity is found in Jesus Christ. Learning to embrace the design of a man is a deeply rich and purposeful journey. If you know someone who needs help, please don’t hesitate to get help today! Learn more about the clinical activities we use to take a man out of bondage and into freedom in Christ. Call us at 866.543.3361 or learn more about our treatment program by clicking here.


Four Things Jesus Would Do About Addiction

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How God addresses addiction is something that would evoke different responses depending on who you ask. There are Christians that would frame addiction only as a sin issue, and thus would point out judgment, condemnation and punishment as God’s rightful and just response. There are others who may see addiction as solely a medical condition, thus view God as completely tolerant and sympathetic of the addict’s plights.

Read about God and Addiction Recovery.

At New Life Spirit Recovery, one of our greatest tasks and calling is to present a redemptive God. This is a God that neither views the addict with anger or apathy. Rather, He holds a fierce and deep interest in that person’s well being.  Learning how to navigate between the negative reality of addiction and the life changing reality of God’s love is sometimes a difficult dance. But it is the dance of grace – the powerful mystery of who Jesus is and why He came to earth 2,000 years ago.

So what would Jesus do if He met an addict face to face? Would He judge, criticize, and threaten? Would He sympathize and understand? We don’t have to guess because we already possess the answer through God’s Word.

This article will explore four principles of “what would Jesus do” that we can apply to the struggling addict. No matter your background or faith, these are factual realities of how Jesus engaged with men and women with similar problems as addiction. Let’s look.


#1. Jesus Reached the Sick & Broken

Jesus came to reach broken people, not together people. He said “Healthy people don’t need a doctor–sick people do” (Matthew 9:12). He spent His time, resources and energy reaching these people.

Religious people were offended by the standards of Jesus because He was a friend of sinners. He would touch the unclean and minister to people in ways that tarnished religious protocols. He did this because He saw people as precious, valuable and in need of healing. The religious saw dirty people that deserved nothing but punishment.

Jesus Reached the Sick & Broken

Wanting to heal the broken didn’t mean He condoned sinners – He simply knelt down to their level in order to offer them a way out.

Today’s society often labels the drug addicts as “bad people”. Certainly, bad behaviors aren’t okay and warrant consequences. But Jesus provided an atmosphere where those bad behaviors could be transformed by Him. Jesus had no issue with being in the presence of sin because unless He had the opportunity to reveal Himself, those trapped in bondage would never have a way out.

In the same manner, Jesus has a heart-felt interest in the addict – He wants to the opportunity to approach that person in love. He wants to meet them where they are. No one ever had to clean up for Jesus. It was His job to clean them.


#2. Jesus Redeemed and Restored

It’s vital to understand that Jesus loved those people struggling with spiritual, emotional and physical ailments. But His love had a fierce, redemptive agenda. To love someone and let them remain in their hurt and brokenness would be cruel. What kind of God would merely pity the broken plight of the human heart, but have little ability to intervene?

Jesus Redeemed and Restored

The Jesus of the Bible met people empathetically. He sought to draw people by His love, thus allowing Him to enter into redemptive dialogue. Every encounter He had was a divine set up to bring them into a relationship with Him and prepare them for restoration. If He had any other agenda, He would not be loving.

The Jesus of the Bible knew that sin was destructive and needed to be overcome. He would not have said “don’t worry about it, I don’t mind. Let’s forget about it”.


#3. Jesus Confronted with Truth

Jesus met people where they were at without judgment, but had a marvelous way of confronting them with truth. The woman at the well, the rich young ruler, and the Nicodemus are all examples of how Jesus confronted a person with truth. This truth confrontation called them out of their denial and pointed to the very places where the hurt, pain, and sin lived. Through confrontation, Jesus would lay choices on the line that offered a new way out of their problems.

Jesus Confronted

While this confrontation was fierce – He honored those He spoke to. Jesus of the Bible didn’t run around screaming at people and calling them sinners. He didn’t protest with signs on the street and call them bad names. He simply stooped down where they were, and then laid the options on the table. “Do you want life? Do you want to be free? Do you want to follow me? Do you believe that I am the answer?”

In a treatment program, loving confrontation is where transformation will occur. This confrontation must be done in love, not judgment. Confrontation done properly challenges one’s perspective by offering an opposing point of view.

But in that confrontation, the basic human dignity to choose is always what drives the dialogue. You don’t support change by simply cramming truth down someone’s throat and shaming them if they don’t believe.

At New Life Spirit Recovery, our counseling process challenges beliefs one at a time, offering a redemptive perspective and tangible Biblical solutions for the mind, body, soul, relationships, and all other areas of life. This confrontation lies at the heart of all healing and change. It’s the powerful truth that sets people free.


#4. Jesus Offered Intimacy

Those that received Jesus were met by friendship. They gave back to Jesus what He had given them, pledging their life to Him. Jesus didn’t come to only be a “clean up man.” He came for a deep, abiding relationship with those He saved.

Through intimacy, followers of Jesus became mighty warriors for God’s Kingdom. They would become the movers and shakers in the church. They would do the work of Jesus.

Jesus Offered Intimacy

In recovery, this happens the same way. Jesus comes to initiate freedom, but His true goal is intimacy with Himself. He wants to be established as the Lord and King of their lives. A heart sold out to intimacy is one that will become healthy, whole and free to serve Him. God’s ultimate goal is to create sons and daughters with a mission and a purpose.


At New Life Spirit Recovery, we believe that the same Jesus that ministered and healed people in Biblical times is available in fullness today.

Do you need a trusted Christian treatment provider? We believe that addiction needs to be treated holistically – body, soul, and spirit. To learn more about what our programs have to offer, call us today at 866.543.3361

4 Tools for Successful Long-Term Recovery

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You’re coming to the “home stretch” of your rehab program and your exit date is just around the corner! You begin to seriously contemplate what life outside of rehab will be like. As you ponder it, you find yourself feeling two powerful emotions at the same time. On one hand you are feeling excitement as you are looking forward to getting on with your new lives, being reunited with family and going back to work or school, etc. On the other hand, there is a nagging under current of anxiety that has its roots in your fear of relapsing…especially if you’ve been in rehab before.

Below are some helpful tips on how to walk in your recovery and not in the fear of relapsing.

#1. “What’s best for my recovery?”

Best for My Recovery

This is a question that you need to get used to asking yourself on a regular basis! You need to be fully aware that the hour you step out of your rehab program…”Game on!” The Bible warns us all that the Enemy is crouching like a hungry lion in the tall grass of life ready to pounce and take us out at any moment. Some of the ways you can expect attacks to come will be:

  • unexpected texts or phone calls from “old friends” who want to “get together”
  • family or friends inviting you to a party where you know alcohol will be served
  • family holiday celebrations with unhealthy family members
  • old unhealthy romantic relationships who want to “see how you’re doing”

This list of temptations can go on and on and you are probably already very familiar with many of them. When these temptations come your way…STOP!…and ask yourself, “What is best for my recovery?” Then listen to the answer you hear in your heart. This will be the message from “The Counselor” within you (the Holy Spirit) guiding you with the proper actions to take. Most likely, the action you will be hearing to take will be in conflict with how you are feeling at the moment. Your emotions will try to give you the illusion that this is too difficult to do…especially if it involves family, friends, or a romantic relationship. But The Counselor not only directs our paths, He also empowers us to walk them! TRUST HIM…TAKE THE ACTION…and the temptation will flee and you will remain in your sobriety. That victory will give you more power to overcome the next temptation when it comes. Not to mention get you more intimately familiar with the Holy Spirit with in you!

#2. Change your contact information!

Your Contact Information

This means you change your phone number(s), change your email address(s), delete all unhealthy contacts from your phone and social media. Get rid of all your secret email accounts, social media pages and phones!  You MUST CLEAN HOUSE! Then when you change your phone number and email address, only give it to the people in your life that you trust and want to see you stay clean and sober! In addition, ask those you give your contact information to, NOT to give it to anyone without your permission. This may seem like a hassle and an easy one to justify for not doing, but if you don’t…you will be found by the very people you’re trying to keep out of your life that will take you back into your addiction. You must protect the gift of your sobriety with as much energy as you were in trying to stay in your addiction! This one step can go a long way in helping you feel the peace and joy of your newfound freedom from addiction!

#3. Write a “Good-Bye” letter to your addiction!

Write a “Good-Bye” letter

There is something very powerful about bringing issues in our life to finality through writing. If we’re honest with ourselves, our addiction was our “Mistress”, “Lover”, “Best Friend”. It gave us the illusion that it was taking something away from our lives that was very painful and giving us “relief”. The only problem, of course, was that after the high was gone, the pain was still there and we became a little more “dead”…inside and out. So, just as we would say, “Good-Bye” to any relationship that we choose to move on from, we need to do the same with your addiction.

Sit down with a pad of paper and a pen and before you begin, picture your addiction as a real person with an appearance and personality. Remember the pain, destruction, mayhem, brokenness and devastation that Mr. or Miss Addiction ushered into your life. Begin to write your “Good-Bye”! Let your words be powerful, direct, honest and FINAL to Addiction! Do NOT leave the back door open for it! Kick it out the front door and change the locks! After you write this letter, frame it and hang it up some place that you will see every day. For the next 30 days, read this “Good-Bye” letter in the morning when you wake up and in the evening when you go to bed. Then read it once a day after the initial 30 days. This will serve as a strong reminder to you when temptation comes your way that this relationship is OVER!

#4. Write a list of all your pain!

Write a list of All Your Pain!

This goes hand in hand with tip #3. After you have written, framed and hung up your “Good-Bye” letter to Addiction, the next tip is to now sit down and make a list of all the hurt, pain, broken relationships, lost jobs, sacrificed opportunities, or heartache that your addiction created for you and brought in your life. Include in that list what your addiction is waiting to bring into your life next time should you choose to invite it back. Title this list, “The Pain of My Addiction”. Just like your “Good-Bye” letter, frame this list and hang it up next to your “Good-Bye” letter. Read this list all the way through after every time you read your “Good-Bye” letter.

Why do this? Because temptation is an interesting thing…when our addiction tempts us, we almost NEVER think of the pain it will cause us or the consequences that await us if we give in to it. We only think about what it will do for us NOW and what a relief it will bring us. You know when we think about the pain and consequences? AFTER WE DO IT!! Then it’s too late! SO…let’s short circuit temptation! By reading your “Good-Bye” letter and “Pain List” every day, you will sear in your mind the pain and consequences of your addiction. So when the temptation comes, instead of fanaticizing what a great reunion you will have with your addiction, you will think of the pain and consequences! Couple that realization with the power of your intimate prayer life with God and your temptation won’t have opportunity to take root in your new life!

These are just a few tips that have proven to be helpful for many of our clients who have come through our programs at New Life Spirit Recovery. These suggestions are most effective when our connection with our God remains open and intimate on a daily basis. The truth is, no “helpful tip” by itself will keep us in recovery…there has to be Power in the tools or the tools don’t work! That Power is our personal connection with Jesus Christ!


How to Choose a Christian Sponsor

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This article is written with the understanding that the “official” stance of AA is that, “A good sponsor who is an atheist does not try to persuade a religious newcomer to abandon faith, nor does a religious sponsor argue theological matters with an agnostic newcomer.” That a sponsor should never impose his or her personal views on the sponsoree. This stance makes sense if a sponsor’s and sponsoree’s views of their “Higher Power” are different. But the foundation of this article is coming from the perspective that having a Christian sponsor for the Christian sponsoree has greater advantages and should be seriously pursued.

For a Christian in recovery, having a C of “kindred faith” will not only give the 12 Steps more authority and power in our recovery, but together we can access deeper healing of the soul (mind, emotions and will) through mutual participation in prayer, deeper application of Biblical truth and encouragement into a deeper personal intimacy with the Creator of the 12-Steps…God!

So this is written not to dispute basic AA principles, but to help guide the recovering Christian to find a Christian sponsor who will not only do everything that an AA or NA sponsor is suppose to do, but who will also help us stay in fellowship connection with the Great Physician and Counselor who IS our RECOVERY. Someone who will keep us connected to both the Truth and the Truth Giver.

Where Do You Find A Christian Sponsor?

Alcoholics Anonymous began in 1935 by Bill Wilson and Dr. Bob Smith, who both found their recovery through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and Biblical truth. Hence, AA’s roots are found in the Bible and the earliest AA meetings promoted a personal relationship with God. As the years passed, the Bible was deemphasized in efforts to make AA more “user friendly” and God was replaced as a “Higher Power”. This way, people who had no faith could receive the principles of the Bible (the “12 Steps) without having to accept the Creator of the “12 Steps”…but instead identify their “Higher Power” as anything they wanted it to be. As a result, most AA Meetings avoid talking about God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit directly.

However, in 1990, John Baker from Saddleback Church founded “Celebrate Recovery” in response to this missing element in the modernized AA Program. While Celebrate Recovery functions in many ways like other traditional twelve-step recovery programs, there are program features that are specific to Celebrate Recovery. One major feature is that it is a Christ-centered program.

While there are some AA Meetings that are Christ-centered, they are very difficult to find. So the easiest place to locate a Christian Sponsor is by attending local Celebrate Recovery meetings. You can search for local Celebration Recovery Groups by going to: and type in your city, state or zip code.

If you live in an area where there aren’t any Celebrate Recovery groups, you may need to attend AA Meetings and your sponsor may need to come from this source. You might be able to find a fellow Christian who is attending the same AA Meeting that has some significant sobriety and who is willing to be your sponsor. You can search for AA Groups near you by going to:

If you cannot locate a Christian in your AA Meeting, you may need to ask a person who is not a Christian to be your sponsor. If that’s the case, try to also obtain a Christian “Mentor” whose relationship with Jesus is one that you admire and desire to emulate. You will most likely find this person at your church through Bible Studies or Small Group Ministries. So, in this scenario, you would have an “AA Sponsor” to help with the 12 Steps and a “Spiritual Mentor” who will help you grow in your relationship with God.

The other option you may want to consider is to start a Celebrate Recovery Group yourself. This does take some commitment, work and dedication, but if the Holy Spirit has laid this on your heart, He will empower you to get it off the ground. While this might be a scary option for you, one of the greatest ways to stay in your recovery is to be leading or mentoring others in their recovery. You can go to: to learn more about how to start a CR Group in your location.

What Is A Christian Sponsor?

What Is A Christian Sponsor?

Basically, a Christian sponsor is someone who has something that we want in terms of sobriety, personal integrity, and spiritual maturity. A Christian sponsor is a major ingredient in our aftercare program that will assist us in our journey to recovery. Studies have shown that if the person receiving sponsorship views his or her sponsor as having similar recovery goals and approaches to achieve those goals, outcomes are better. So as a Christian walking out our recovery, it is important to find a sponsor who is also of kindred spirit, or as the Bible puts it, “equally yoked”.

Having a Christian sponsor should be thought of as a “buddy system”. Just like when we go out swimming in deep waters it’s strongly suggested that we have a buddy to help us navigate the unforeseen undertows and reefs. In sobriety, there are lots of surprises that can easily pull us under because we are still very “raw” and “fragile” to reality and our spiritual walk. The experiences of our Christian sponsor (both in addiction and long term sobriety) serve much like the lifeguard at the pool or on the beach who is watching us, advising us and coming to our assistance when needed.

Our Christian sponsor should be modeling for us what it looks like to face life’s terms with the needed strength and guidance from God. They need to be the type of person that we can learn by watching and by imitating them. The Apostle Paul understood this important principle when he encouraged the believers in Corinth by saying, “Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.” (1 Corinthians 11:1 NIV) Hence, it is very important that we look for a Christian sponsor that is walking intimately with God themselves…for we have a far better chance of permanent recovery with a sponsor who models not only what needs to be done, but how to connect with the loving, relational God who empowers us to do what needs to be done.

A Christian sponsor needs to care enough about us to “risk” the friendship by telling us the truth when needed. Christian sponsors need to show us “the path” and it must be done unselfishly and without hesitation. Our Christian sponsor will not be effective or helpful to us if he or she is just being our friend. They have to be walking in truth and be willing to speak that truth to us…as hard and as upsetting that may be for us to hear.

Most good Christian sponsors have almost the same temperaments…faith, hope, patience, honesty, humility, strength, and a willingness to show their own weakness as they are in touch with the reality of God’s grace in their lives. It is in this humility we should be able to see that human nature will only take us so far and that the keys to our ongoing sobriety lie within spiritual truth and connection with God.

Once again, our Christian sponsor should teach us by “doing”. Not just by telling us, but by modeling for us. Our Christian sponsor should demonstrate to us how life really works on this side of recovery when God is in control. As we learn to live this new life that was modeled for us by our Christian sponsor, we will learn from them at a deeper level and see them as the “blessing” in our sobriety.

Choosing A Christian Sponsor

Choosing A Christian Sponsor

Below are some of the things you should be looking for in a Christian sponsor and some issues to steer away from.

An Effective Christian Sponsor:

Spiritual Maturity

  • Is a Christian
  • Attends Church regularly
  • Demonstrates a trust in God
  • Experiences a daily person time with Jesus Christ
  • Demonstrates a familiarity with the Holy Spirit

Recovery Maturity

  • Has one or more years of continuous sobriety
  • Attends CR, AA or NA meetings on a regular basis
  • Is familiar with the approved core program
  • Does not over extend schedule and has adequate time to be a sponsor
  • Sponsors only same sex

Questions To Ask

  • Do you attend CR, AA or NA on a regular basis?
  • How long have you been sober?
  • What do you feel is the primary role of a sponsor? (The correct answer: help the newcomer work through the steps.)
  • How many people are you presently sponsoring?
  • How do you feel about meeting outside of CR, AA, NA on a regular basis, and how often? (A good sponsor meets with a new person at least weekly.)

Things To Avoid

  • The sponsor does not emphasize the need to work through the steps.
  • The sponsor lacks personal boundaries and “demands” that a “sponsoree” helps solve the sponsor’s personal or social issues.


The Truth About Your Sponsor

The Truth About Your Sponsor

We need to understand that no matter how smart, how educated, or how spiritual our Christian sponsor is, they do not have the power to help us stay sober. Our Christian sponsor’s job is to point the way by guiding us through the steps in the power of the Step Giver…God. Because by doing this, they help us with getting on the path with God and His intended purpose for us in our sobriety. It is God’s healing that happens to us and not the fancy or heartfelt words of our Christian sponsor. God’s work does the miracle…our Christian sponsor is simply there to guide us to the Path.


Article contributed by Dan Delghi, D.Div

For information about the treatment program at New Life Spirit Recovery, click here.