Christian Addiction Treatment

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Christian Addiction Counseling Package Christian Addiction Treatment Program

As a Christian addiction resource provider, we have been helping men and women find freedom from addiction for almost twenty years.  We are committed to creating a safe atmosphere that allows God’s redemptive process to bring life, healing and restoration. There are, without question, reasons why the alcoholic / addict does what they do. We implement an evidence-based solution that focuses on the underlying issues that lead to addiction, while paving a pathway towards true freedom.  Combining spiritual resources with a clinical approach, we offer professional and responsible care centered in Biblical truth.  Our treatment center is located in beautiful Temecula California.  It is a known fact that successful addiction rehabilitation starts with a desire to change and hinges upon the options offered in treatment.

Professional Approach

As a California state-licensed addiction counselor, you are assured that we operate professionally with integrity and accountability, without compromising our core beliefs. We are proudly credentialed with various organizations to secure a level of assurance that our treatment approach complies with all regulations and utilizes the very best practices in the country.  Christian Addiction Treatment Program

Outcomes of Christian Addiction Treatment Program

The proof of a good treatment approach is typically found in the results of the effort put forth. This Christian approach is evidence-based and has witnessed amazing, unthinkable transformation in the lives of men and women over the years.  We have hundreds and hundreds of success stories of redemption, freedom, hope and healing.

Christian Addiction Counseling Package with a Christ-centered Clinical Framework

We walk clients through a process that focuses on the addiction, the physical body, emotional upsets and challenges, mental well-being, families, relationships, a spiritual connection and maturity, and the essential nature of God’s redemptive formulas. This includes:[/vc_column_text][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner el_class=\”about_page_heading treatment_row\”][vc_column_text el_class=\” instittute_img\”]

1 – Assess with compassion and dignity

Assessment is where we begin to define the different areas that need care and healing. The body requires medical, neurological and diet solutions; the soul requires emotional/heart healing and the spiritual conflicts require truth-based encounters. We use a variety of assessment materials and tools to reveal the problems for the purpose of applying a remedy. We talk language of the heart, and allow people to present their needs and situations authentically, in a nonjudgmental, non-condemning atmosphere. We invite God into this process, and though we have professional counselors, we trust in His guidance.  Choose a Christian Addiction Treatment Program[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner el_class=\”about_page_heading treatment_row\”][vc_column_text el_class=\”instittute_img\”]

2 – Equip with Life Skills

Life skills teach men and women how to walk out the Christian life practically. Goals, planning and other tools allow men and women to leave prepared with practical, real ways to walk out a life of sobriety. Spiritual growth and intimacy with God is encouraged through the structure of devotional and worship time.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner el_class=\”about_page_heading treatment_row\”][vc_column_text el_class=\”instittute_img\”]

3 – Develop Relationship Skills

God created us to live in relationships. From our family program, to family education to relationally-oriented classes, our goal is to inject new relationship tools that will allow the addict to begin to approach relationships from a new and fresh perspective. We support healthy families and marriages, and believe it’s God’s heart to implement reconciliation processes.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text el_class=\”instittute_img\”]

4 – Treating Root Causes

There are reasons for all addictive behaviors, and with those reasons comes a real tangible solution – physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. We assess issues of the past to identify triggers, patterns and areas of trauma. However, we don’t stay in the past. We walk back only to reclaim areas that were under the influence of lies and hurts. Healing requires feeling, which means part of the process is to face and feel feelings that had been previously medicated. All remedy comes from the power of forgiveness and the reality of God’s constant presence and grace doing for us what we cannot do for ourselves, moving us from a place of powerless, helpless and hopeless to having all the power necessary to get clean, stay clean and have a life worth living. Thus, all revelation gained about past injuries will contain a redemptive focus.  Christian Addiction Treatment Program[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text el_class=\”instittute_img\”]

5 – Plan for Life

A comprehensive plan is written and reviewed with family members (if applicable) to assure the safety, security, boundary structure, expectations and accountability needs of the addict and family members involved. While we can\’t apply these changes into life after treatment, we encourage ongoing support, groups and aftercare. The family plan helps align expectations and set realistic goals for everyone involved.

6 – Identify Triggers

A relapse prevention plan must be prepared during the treatment process to help identify triggers and guard against them. This plan is included in the family program and needs the help and support of a planned ongoing recovery support program. No matter how successful a treatment program is, triggers contain potential relapse risks, and must be openly discussed and implemented with an action plan in place before discharge.  We[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_column_text el_class=\”about_page_heading\”]

Customized and Personalized Treatment Plan

Each person that enters treatment is unique and comes with a unique set of issues. Our Christian addiction treatment package assesses individual needs to develop a comprehensive, totally customized treatment plan. A minimum of of a 12 session commitment of individual therapeutic counseling assures that each person that walks through our door is understood, validated and treated as a unique person. These are not “vent” sessions alone – they involve a meticulously planned out plan with goals and projects designed to locate the underlying causes of the addictive behavior, and birth true freedom and peace. Both behind the scenes and with clients, our counselors pray for each need presented. Those that are ready for help feel loved, validated and understood by the intensive nature of this process.

Christ-centered Therapeutic Counseling

We have some of the best, most qualified CA state licensed and certified Christian counselors working in the field. They are professionals with specialized training in addiction through a Biblical worldview. They orchestrate therapy sessions that go after rooted issues, using prayer, application and intense assessment of behavioral, mental, spiritual and emotional patterns. Click here to learn about all the clinical aspects of treatment.

Co-Occurring Treatment

New Life Spirit Recovery assesses people in the area of body, soul and spirit. We believe each area requires a proper assessment and needs an effective solution. Why we are different from most other approaches is that we don’t place a pharmaceutical solution onto an emotional or spiritual problem. When addressing co-occurring clients, there are oftentimes physiological imbalances and deficiencies that can mimic the symptoms of a psychiatric disorder. Our goal is to untangle the root cause of any symptoms, using medication only as a last resort. We treat emotional issue through intensive counseling, and promote spiritual freedom through prayer, Bible studies, spiritual workshops and other Christian materials. Physical problems are first diagnosed through the use of exhaustive panels of blood and urine. Then through a methodical process of elimination, treatment options are given. In some cases, clients need vitamins and other nutritional supplements; in other cases, a medication may be prescribed based test results. Our doctor uses facts, not assumptions to learn how to assist a person with the best opportunity to live a life free from addiction and any unnecessary prescribed medication.

In totality, New Life is looking to bring a person into balance emotionally, spiritual and physically, looking at rooted issues in each area, and applying the correct remedy. To learn more, click here.

Health & Wellness Program

All clients upon request, are referred to Dr. Scott Collie, a Christ-centered professional, certified nutritionist and Doctor of holistic medicine. for a free consultation. For an additional fee, Dr. Scott offers an exclusive certified nutrition program that includes an intensive 72-panel bloodwork. This highlights most major bodily functions and can help develop a plan of correction of any underlining health issues. This program is wellness oriented, and does not replace the need to receive medical care from a license physician. Rather, this program addresses the needs of the body that can be cared for through diet, exercise and natural supplements. To learn more, click here.

Family Education and Planning Program

Family members are encouraged to be a part of the recovery process. In fact, we believe it’s necessary. Through education and the use of an open, safe dialogue, boundaries, expectations and relapse plans can be safely established. Even if your family member is being treated through a different facility, this service is available.  This paves the pathway to restoration and reconciliation, and gives everyone involved a safe perspective upon treatment completion. To learn more, click here

Codependence & Relationship Programs

Since 2004, NLSR has been a leader in the area of Christian Codependence Recovery. All our clients are exposed to books and resources that disclose the intense nature of relationship breakdowns, and how that corresponds to addiction cycles and patterns in relationships. We focus on a Christ-centered redemptive formula to not just remain abstinence, but to prepare for healthy relationships in the future. Stephanie Tucker, our Family Program Director, has written these books which are recognized and used nationally in churches, recovery programs and treatment facilities. Click here to learn about codependence resources.  Christian Addiction Treatment Program work

Client Education – The Association of Christian Alcohol
& Drug Counselors Institute

Clients are exposed to professional, Biblically based counselor certification courses through ACADC Institute, an education provider for state certification and international college. Some clients or their family members go on to receive their actual certification. Robert Tucker, our Director, teaches these courses. Click here to learn more.

Other things to consider

[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text el_class=\”liststyle \”]Our clinical directors are well known published authors whose materials are used throughout the country and even the world. New Life Spirit Recovery was established in 2005 and has been recognized by many credible ministries such a Focus on the Family and Calvary Chapel.

We’re Here to Help

Are you or a friend in need of help? Please contact us or give us a call today: (866) 543-3361[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text el_class=\”about_page_heading\”]

Read “Beyond Sobriety: A Look at the Critical Goals of Long-term Recovery”.



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