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Do You Know Jesus?

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There is no true recovery without Him!

Wherever you are right now, Jesus loves you and is willing to meet you at your point of need. You might be struggling with some sort of addiction or have someone in your life who is. Wherever you are, you don’t have to clean up first to come to Him. Just come as you are and let Him change you.

The power of Jesus isn\’t a rehearsed Bible verse or the personal effort to be good. It is a relentless and passionate pursuit of wholeness in your life. God\’s love is the interest in your well being – in you becoming everything He created and designed you to become.

To get there, He must deal with the areas of strongholds, wounds, and failure in your life. Thus, when He begins to address our issues, He does it with a desire to separate the broken parts in us from from the perfect plans He holds.

If you could visualize this, imagine if every sin, flaw, shortcoming and failure could be set inside a separate compartment in you and then pick up and removed – flush out of you and wiped away. Like a detoxification of your internal world, He could start to systematically address what is hurting you and holding you back from His best.

Oh it\’s not always easy. It won\’t be filled only with the happy and the easy. The journey isn\’t for the faint of heart – but for those desperate and hungry for all God to offer. For those that want more than just a tired rehearsal of Bible truth and want actual, living, breathing power of His resurrected life.

What do you need to do? It\’s a place of surrender where you can admit and acknowledge what is broken. And you can receive what Jesus has to offer.

Jesus is the Son of God – He is the Creator of the Universe. He is the One who choose to bleed and die in order to bridge the separation between your heart and His.

Close your eyes and visualize the areas of your heart that are broken, shattered, or filled with sin and strongholds. No matter how dark it might be, that\’s the very stuff He wants to get out of you! Then visualize the cross of Jesus – the place where He choose to love you and give you a way back. No place the things you\’ve acknowledged aren\’t working and are broken, and place them on Jesus.

Is it easy? No!  Surrender is difficult and many times painful. But realizing you can\’t fix yourself. Realizing you aren\’t supposed to try to fix yourself because Jesus has the answer you need is the most relieving solution you\’ll ever receive!


Dear Jesus,

Come into my heart and expose what needs to be healed. Show me where I fail and fall short of your purposes. Give me eyes and a heart to perceive your perspective. But then show me your love, your power. Show me the plans you have for me. Give me a taste of your power and goodness and saturate me with grace. I need you and want you to be first. I want to fire my efforts and replace them with your ability. Create in me a clean heart, oh Lord, and remove a wrong spirit within me.

In Jesus name –



This is real love—not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins.  1 John 4:10


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