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Addiction Help for Pastors

You can be free! Call us today!

Help is available, don’t stay isolated in suffering

Kneeling with those who\’ve stumbled is our calling. We know that finding addiction help for pastors is not easy.   As a pastor myself that struggled with addiction issues for many years, I’m all too familiar with the struggles clergy face.  Pastors struggling with an addiction is not uncommon.  Quite the contrary, pastors needing help with addiction issues is more common than most would think.  Pastors are human too and have the same struggle’s others do.  Actually, they are typically under much more of a spiritual attack than the average person with less resources for a variety of reasons.  Shame and condemnation are not of God.  Satan tempts, and when sin is conceived, he will quickly accuse, shame and guilt.  Jesus says, just come to me and I will clean you up.  There are rooted reasons why people struggle, and when properly dealt with, the enemy looses his grip.

There is one that comes to steal, kill and destroy!

There are very few limits to Satan’s schemes and tactics and when a doorway (or gateway) is opened, he will gladly enter and set up camp on a mission to destroy anything and everything he can. The immediate family (those closest) usually feels the initial brunt but it will eventually affect all areas of life.  Addiction help for pastors is protected!

Where does an addicted pastor safely go for help?

To start, we must keep in mind that the Biblical approach and secular approach are literally worlds apart.  The instigator of the problem is spirit and a spiritual problem will never be resolved with a secular approach.  Who can a pastor turn to without the possibility of losing the trust of his congregation or even worse, being asked to step down from the pulpit?  New Life Spirit Recovery has helped many pastors find true freedom and return to their position without effecting or upsetting their congregation. Most return with a better understanding and utilize what they’ve learned to help struggling members in their church find freedom.

What types of addiction are treated through New Life?

Anyone that truly understands the dynamics of an addiction affliction, knows who the real culprit is.  Addiction is not limited to just drugs or alcohol.  Many pastors struggle with porn because it can go unnoticed for years behind closed doors.  And a pastor with a porn addiction, without question will eventually be exposed.  Satan uses these struggles to tear apart the body of Christ.   Porn addiction help for pastors is available!  Addiction help for pastors is good

Can true freedom be achieved?

Absolutely!  There are tangible reasons why people do what they do and there is an absolute solution available.  There is what is known as cause and effect and most people are living within the effects of something initially caused by someone else.  There is One that knows, the Great Physician, and He will expose the root, dispose of it and heal the wounds it caused.   Jesus said:  So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. (John 8:35)

Will anyone find out about my struggles?

Anyone entering treatment is protected from public knowledge.  At New Life, pastors can enjoy the anonymous safeguard they deserve.  Many approach and convey their treatment experience to others as a sabbatical, an equipping, a time away to learn about addiction and the Biblical solution.  Over the years, we\’ve witnessed many pastors find freedom and then utilize what they\’ve learned to help others within their congregation.

If you are struggling with addiction issues, give us a call.  We can help!

Our clinical directors are well known published authors whose materials are used throughout the country and even the world. New Life Spirit Recovery was established in 2005 and has been recognized by many credible ministries such a Focus on the Family and Calvary Chapel.

We’re Here to Help

Are you or a friend in need of help? Please contact us via web or give us a call today: (866) 543-3361

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