12 Steps Process

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The 12 Steps, properly understood, actually point to verses of scripture specifically chosen and simplified for the addicted one. When properly applied, they have the ability to walk a man out of bondage, clean him up, teach him how to live, and equip him to effectively help others find freedom. A physically sick person would go to a doctor and get a medicinal prescription, and if taken as directed, would hopefully recover.

The addicted one however, has damage in all three areas (body, soul, and spirit) and is in need of healing in all three areas. The problems buried deep within the soul and spirit are spiritual and thus require a spiritual solution. The only One that can expose and dispose (surgically remove them) is the Spiritual Surgeon, Jesus. He discloses the truth, exposing the lies; disposes the root and then heals the wound. The twelve steps, “a spiritual prescription of scripture” are twelve verses of scripture simplified for the alcoholic and the addict to understand, accept, and utilize.

This process, Biblically speaking, is known as deliverance. This simple formula has the ability to deliver an abuser from a life of bondage and insanity, to a place of freedom, peace, and joy. We find in Jesus, what most have been searching for in a bottle, needle or pipe.

Steps 1 through 3 have the ability to take a person from a state of selfish self-centeredness, powerless, helpless, and hopeless, to a Christ-centered life, hopeful and all-powerful in Christ Jesus. At step three, the all-powerful Helper comes to live within. “Made a decision” has a deeper meaning to it. To decide actually means to kill off the other option or options. In the process of deliverance, this term is called renounce. When we decide to turn our will and life over to the care of God, we are actually renouncing the connections we have with the other gods we were worshiping such as alcohol, drugs, sex, money, etc. The Gate Keeper, our Lord Jesus Christ, is the only One with the power to get them out, can and will get them out and will keep them out but only if He is asked. He is the giver and respecter of free will, leaving it up to us to choose how we want to live. When a spirit is removed (in the power of Jesus), the only way that spirit can return is through a (conscious or unconscious) invite back. God has given man a free will and He will certainly respect and protect it.

Steps 4 through 9 are house cleaning steps, a time to utilize the Helper (the Holy Spirit living within) in the cleansing process of inner self. First, immoral behavior (sin) is dealt with, then the sinful nature (the defective character living within) that leads us to sin, and finally we face those that we have harmed with our sinful destructive behaviors. Admitting our wrongs, repenting of that behavior, forgiving one’s self, forgiving others, and receiving God’s forgiveness as well as the forgiveness of others is the key to freedom. What a freeing experience it is to clean up the wreckage of our sinful destructive behaviors. We confess our sins to God for forgiveness and a cleansing (1 John 1:9), and to each other for healing (James 5:16a).

Step 10 is the maintenance step, teaching us to evaluate our daily behavior, while encouraging us to clean up potential problems before they become problems. Diligently revisiting this step keeps us from building a new inventory of lingering unresolved immoral issues.

Step 11 encourages continual spiritual growth, continuously improving our personal relationship with God. It is His desire to have an ongoing personal relationship with each of us, and healthy relationships require good communication. We communicate with Him through prayer and meditation. In prayer, we speak to Him, and through meditation, He speaks to us. Some of our biggest lessons come directly from Him through prayer and meditation. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly (Col. 3:16).

Step 12 is all about trying to help those still suffering in bondage to their addiction. We become living, breathing testimonies of God’s transforming power. Carrying the message of freedom, Biblically speaking, is known as the great commission. Those that have experienced this new found freedom can’t help but want to share it with others.

Struggles are Blessings

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by Dr. Robert T. Tucker
Our daily struggles are actually blessings in disguise. They are God-given opportunities for emotional and spiritual growth. They are literally faith builders. The typical addict has what is known as “fight or flight” syndrome. When situations get too uncomfortable, they either react or escape, or do both. An escape is good as long as it is into God’s arms and not the local drug dealer’s.   Hopefully at some point, we learn to accept the fact that daily trials are a normal part of life, something we are powerless over and cannot change. What we can change is the way we deal with them. Learning to live life on life’s terms has many benefits.

James, the brother of Jesus shares the importance of emotional and spiritual challenges.

James 1 :1-8

From James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ.To all of God’s people who are scattered everywhere in the world:   Greetings. My brothers and sisters, when you have many kinds of troubles, you should be full of joy, because you know that these troubles test your faith, and this will give you patience. Let your patience show itself perfectly in what you do. Then you will be perfect and complete and will have everything you need. But if any of you needs wisdom, you should ask God for it. He is generous and enjoys giving to all people, so He will give you wisdom. But when you ask God, you must believe and not doubt. Anyone who doubts is like a wave in the sea, blown up and down by the wind. Such doubters are thinking two different things at the same time, and they cannot decide about anything they do. They should not think they will receive anything from the Lord.

In verse 3, it is made clear that troubles “test our faith.” In reality, they not only test it, but exercise it and help it to grow. Most of us know how exercise works with the physical body. As we exercise pushing against steel weights, the resistance forces the muscles to stretch their limits. They get torn down in the process, and as they recover, their size and strength increases. The next time around, they are able to withstand the same resistance,  and then more each time the process is practiced again. If the body is receiving a proper diet and practicing consistent exercise, it will grow stronger.

Spiritually speaking, if you have a healthy spiritual diet, (eating His word, the Bread of life), the challenges this world sends your way will be the exact resistance needed to increase your faith. As we face our daily challenges and put our trust in God and watch Him come through for us, our faith in Him increases.

On the other hand, these real-life trials and tribulations have the ability to cause significant trauma in the lives of those still suffering in active addiction. Before recovery, none of us were properly equipped to deal with these challenges, and entering program was just the beginning. From that point on, we needed to learn the true meaning of application. The program of AA says we must learn to practice the principles of program in all our affairs. Application and practice are very important ingredients on the solution side of recovery. Without them, we remain spiritual and emotional runts, clean and sober weaklings that continue to be “tossed to and fro” in every situation.

But, if we apply what is suggested, each struggle encountered becomes an opportunity for growth. In vs. 4 above, we have His promise that He will provide everything needed to become complete. If we do our part, He will certainly do His.  If we refuse to believe that He can and will do exactly what His Word says, why should He?   Why should He do something for us if we doubt Him and His love for us? He paid a high price for the gift He is offering anyone that is willing to accept it. He sent His Son to die so we may have eternal life with Him. Shouldn’t that be enough? Jesus shed His blood for the forgiveness of our sins. He paid a debt He did not owe, a debt we could not possibly pay.
Have you accepted the gift of salvation? If so, then accept His promises. He will come through. He will do as He says. Today is the day to “exercise” your faith and then watch is grow!

The Pathway to True Recovery

heaven pathway wide wide

by Dr. Robert Tucker

As we begin our journey along the true path to recovery, we find that there are things that need to be done, steps that need to be taken, in order to achieve the fullness of the promises that are revealed in the 12-step programs. One of the biggest gifts we can receive is the gift of “true inner-peace and joy.” We can see peace in the eyes of some of the “old timers,” those that have pioneered before us. They are living examples to follow. Their serenity, their “inner-peace and joy,” comes from the effort they put forth in making the necessary changes in their lives. For the most part, this “peace and joy” comes from God through changes that He makes on the inside of us. God is the giver of true “peace and joy.” The Bible tells us that Jesus is the Prince of Peace.”

Understanding a little about God’s power, and realizing how much He loves us are essential factors in the process of recovery. Once you’ve “cleaned house” (with His help), and are allowing Him to manage your life, things will begin to flow more smoothly. His peace and joy is something that fills us from the inside, and nothing in this physical world can duplicate it, or take it away. The counterfeit, the fulfillment that comes from the things of this world, are temporal. They are counterfeits of the “real thing,” and have the ability to do serious damage. Their short-lived satisfaction (or escape) always ends with disappointment, heart-ache and destruction. The emptiness we sometimes feel deep within our gut is something only God can fill. It’s a spiritual void that came into existence when Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden. They became separated from God, leaving a vast emptiness with-in, and we’ve all inherited that “gut-deep” void. We try to fill it with all kinds of counterfeits things such as drugs, alcohol, sex, money, pornography, and other obsessions also known as “fixes.” The Bible calls them idols. An idol is anything we put in place of God. When we are seeking something from a person, place or thing that should be coming from God, it would fall in the category of an idol. Those that have received Jesus as their Lord and Savior, and continue to apply His principles into their lives, (hanging out with, trusting in, and being obedient to Him) have found the “true inner-peace and joy” that only comes from Him. They’ve learned to practice the steps with Him at the center, (which are Biblical principles) in every situation and in all areas of their life. These steps are “a spiritual prescription of scripture” (a gift from God) written specifically for the obsessive sinner. If they are worked properly, and applied properly, they have the ability to transform lives.  The true path to recovery is here

God has provided everything we need for recovery. Addiction is not the initial problem, but an outward expression of much deeper problems. Addiction actually becomes an extension of the underlying problem. The root is spiritual and needs to be dealt with through spiritual solutions. You will never resolve a spiritual problem with a physical solution.  Step three suggests that we “let go and let God,” the Bible tells us to “deny the flesh” and “walk in the spirit.” As we get more familiar with His Word, and begin to experience His love, His transforming power changes us into the person He created us to be. Giving our will and our life over to His care means that we must make Him our Lord as well as our Savior. We must sincerely put our trust in Him, and obey Him, especially not ignoring the part about obedience to Him. Most of us are more than willing to receive Him as our Savior, but for convenience sake, are not willing to give Him the position as Lord over our life. He is Lord and we must come under His authority if we expect to experience the life He has planned for us.  True path to recovery is available.

We can see this accomplished in many that have pioneered before us. We see a big difference in the ones that “came to believe.” The main contributing factor in the growing success of the 12 step programs is through attraction, not promotion. The newcomer is drawn to the “glow” of hope he sees in the eyes of some of the members that have already found freedom. If he is willing to follow their path, being completely honest with God, himself and others, keeping an open-mind, he will begin to receive the promises (the blessings) that God has for all those that are truly walking with Him.

It sounds pretty easy to accomplish. How come most of us find it so hard? We need to understand that even though these precious gifts are freely given by God, we must take some level of action on our part. First we must accept defeat and surrender. Then we must be willing to follow suggestion and work the steps. We need to learn about them, and then we must put them to work for us. We must learn the meaning of application, because they are useless until we initially work through them, and then apply them into our daily living. God uses “our surrender,” and “our willingness to let go and let Him,” as an invite for Him to enter in and clean up the mess we’ve made of our lives.

We also need to be aware that there is an enemy, ours as well as God’s, that doesn’t want us to receive anything from God. Satan will do anything and everything possible to prevent or trip up the recovery process. He’s actually the one that’s been leading us astray all along. He tempts our sinful, lustful flesh into following his ways. Of course we have a choice, (a free will) but unless we have the power of God residing in us, and choose to follow God’s ways, we will fall short and be lead astray every time we are tempted. Satan comes to kill, steal, and destroy lives. Awareness of a problem is the first step towards a solution. Drugs and alcohol are some of what he uses to loosen a man up. With it, he knows, we’ll do many other things that we wouldn’t normally do. Once we’ve bought into “his snare,” “his lure,” “his lies,” it’s just a matter of time before we get desperate enough, and are willing to do practically anything for more. It’s a powerful tool of Satan’s. It’s time to realize what’s really been going on behind the scenes.

The Bible warns us in Eph. 6:10-12 A final word: Be strong with the Lord’s mighty power. Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies and tricks of the Devil. For we are not fighting against people made of flesh and blood, but against the evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against those mighty powers of darkness who rule this world, and against wicked spirits in the heavenly realms.

1 Peter 5:8-11 Control yourselves and be careful! The devil, your enemy, goes around like a roaring lion looking for someone to eat. Refuse to give in to him, by standing strong in your faith. You know that your Christian family all over the world is having the same kinds of suffering. And after you suffer for a short time, God, who gives all grace, will make everything right. He will make you strong and support you and keep you from falling. He called you to share in his glory in Christ, a glory that will continue forever. All power is his forever and ever. Amen.  A true path to recovery is good

We must be educated, or at least aware, in order to survive. God says that His people perish out of ignorance. We need to be able to recognize Satan’s schemes, realize he is nothing but a liar and a tempter, has no power over us (except for the power we give it to him), and that we have all the power necessary, in Christ, to survive his attacks (only if we utilize it).

Satan is a real and potentially dangerous force in the world today, leading the evil side of the spiritual world just as he has throughout human history. Often, Satan will act in subtle yet clever ways to try to turn people away from God. Recognizing his strategies, then drawing on Christ’s power, will enable you to successfully survive.

Here are some ways Satan operates – and some ways you can effectively respond:  Ntrue path to recovery loses.

Realize that your mind is the site of many spiritual battles. Satan often tries to get people to think in ways that are contrary to God’s Word, and then to act in ways that contradict God’s will for them. Read your Bible frequently, and think about what it says. Pray for the Holy Spirit to renew your mind.

When you look for a quick fix from something rather than trusting God to act in His time, and in His way, beware. You’re making yourself vulnerable to evil, because Satan frequently tempts people who seem frustrated by God. Focus on God rather than on what you want, and trust that He will always act in love, according to what’s best for you.   true path to recovery loses.

The way God works sometimes doesn’t make sense to us, because our perspectives are limited, and God’s aren’t. Satan would like you to put your trust in your human reason, but standing firm in your faith in God, especially when His ways seem mysterious, will prove much more powerful.

When you encounter ethical dilemmas in a variety of situations, Satan and his evil forces will try to influence you to bend God’s Word to justify choices that seem more appealing than the Biblical ones. Commit to rely on Biblical principles in all situations, and pray for the strength to do so. Ask someone close to you to hold you accountable, and help hold that person accountable.

Selfishness, expressed through pride and a lust for power, led to Satan’s fall from his glory as one of God’s angels. Satan yearns to convince you that thinking and acting selfishly is best, but it will never bring you fulfillment. Rather than seeking your own satisfaction in life, let your love for God and others be your motivation. If you do, you’ll be blessed.

This is the true path to recovery.

Our clinical directors are well known published authors whose materials are used throughout the country and even the world.  New Life Spirit Recovery was established in 2005 and has been recognized by many credible ministries such a Focus on the Family and Calvary Chapel.

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