About the Codependence Intensives
In an intensive, you will be removed from everything in life order to sort, sift and bring order to your internal world. While we recommend you come to our intensive on-site, you do have the option to do an intensive online. In the course of an intensive, we will begin to work on your pain story to help you find the roots that drive the relational styles, emotions and trauma responses. Together, we will build a unique trauma map that helps you understand where you are, and begin to move forward with new tools of healing. We will spend significant time understanding the codependence dynamic as a survival system.
Before you come into an intensive, we do an assessment to make sure this environment is safe and conducive to your needs. If we do not think it is a fit we will refer to you other programs that might be more appropriate.
We are Christian counselors and coaches, not licensed therapists, and this is is important to understand. While we have been trained in trauma and understand the connection of the body, soul and spirit, we are orientated towards healing with the resources of Jesus. Our goal is to help you move towards freedom where you will experience the removal of guilt, fear and shame; and in its place you can be inherently seen, valued and loved as you are. Freedom also allows you to discover who you were meant to be, and rises you up into your God-given design.