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There is no true recovery without Him!

Wherever you are right now, Jesus loves you and is willing to meet you at your point of need. You might be struggling with some sort of addiction or have someone in your life who is. Wherever you are, you don\’t have to clean up first to come to Him. Just come as you are and let Him change you.

Here is what it takes to be made right with God and have a personal relationship wtih Jesus Christ:

  • Acknowledge your sin has separated you from God and you need a Savior.
  • Believe that Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God and was sent to be the Savior of the World. He was fully God and fully man. He died on the cross and rose again in three days as a sacrifice for your sin. Jesus died in your place so that you could live.
  • Repent of your sins and ask for forgiveness
  • Ask Jesus to live in your heart and fill you with His Spirit. Accept His gift of salvation.
  • Profess Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and Lord.

You can pray any prayer as long as you mean it in your heart, but here is a suggestion:

Father in Heaven,
I am broken and lost. I have tried to live life on my own and I\’ve failed miserably. I need you. I believe that Jesus Christ is your Son and came into this World to die for me. Please forgive me for my sins and fill me with Your Spirit. I repent of my sin and want to begin a new life following You. I ask you, Jesus, to come into my heart and be my Lord and Savior. I surrender my life into Your hands.
In Jesus Name,

If you prayed this prayer for the first time, welcome to the family of God! If we can encourage you, please contact us. It is important to find a bible-believing church or fellowship group. Salvation is only the beginning, the process of recovery (tranformation, santfication) requires a daily submission of our will to God. We must read His Word, pray and nurture our relationship with Him.

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