Christ-Centered Recovery


What is Christ-centered Recovery?

A Christ-centered recovery program, from a clinical perspective, is in some ways similar to a secular approach but openly invites in, puts trust in and freely utilizes the Great Physician, Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit throughout the healing process. Building an up-close and personal relationship with Him is encouraged and is at the core of a successful journey.

There are absolute reasons why people do what they do and there is an absolute solution to the problem.  Jesus is the only one able to effectively uncover, disclose, dispose of the damage …….. and heal a wounded heart.  Salvation is His free gift but freedom from the struggles of addiction require additional effort.  The counselors here at New Life will guide you along that path as you transition towards freedom and a new life worth living.

Are there differences between a Christian \”Program\” and Christian \”Track\”?

If you are a Christian seeking a program, you deserve the very best. It is important when choosing a Christian program to understand the differences. Many programs add a Christian \”Track\” to monopolize on a need but do not deliver what is necessary to qualify as a Christian program.  Simply put, they are a counterfeit version.  Most of them keep their clients together in the same secular program and merely offer the \”track\” a few additional Christian meetings.  Christ-centered recovery works

A true Christian program would teach, train and counsel clients from a Christian perspective.  All staff & counselors should trained and equipped with a Biblical World View.  At New Life, all of our staff hold the required state credentials but are also educated and equipped through the Association of Christian Alcohol & Drug Counselors and hold the ICE accredited CDAAC \”Christian Drug Alcohol & Addictions Counselor certificate.  The ICE certificate is accredited by the Institute for Credentialing Excellence.

What makes a Christian Program attractive?

Christian brothers and sisters are eternally related and find comfort being able to express their faith with each other and support each other as they journey through their painful struggles.  There is no judgment or shame and people are not labeled by their unhealthy behavior.  We separate the two, people from behavior, and watch God\’s transforming power move them in line with who He created them to be.

Is Christ-Centered Recovery the best option for a Christian?

Since recovery was first introduced back in 1935, the importance of utilizing a Higher Power was a key piece to working a successful program.  To be able to effectively move away from a condition of powerless, helpless and hopeless, running on self-will requires something much more powerful than self. Christ-centered recovery was successful from the beginning and remains successful.

Jesus Christ, the source of all power, was at the center back then and must remain at the center of the treatment process if success is expected.  He will uncover the damaged areas (exposing roots and disposing them) and will heal the wounds they caused.

Is Evidence Based Recovery Important?

The proof is in the outcome.  We have successfully treated many hundreds of men and women struggling with addiction issues.  Our clinical directors are well known published authors whose materials are used throughout the country and even the world.  New Life Spirit Recovery was established in 2005 and has been recognized by many credible ministries such a Focus on the Family and Calvary Chapel.

We’re Here to Help

Are you or a friend in need of help? Please contact us or give us a call today: (866) 543-3361 Christ-centered Recovery helps.

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