Family Program

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The Family Program at New Life Spirit Recovery

Families Matter!

God placed families at the centerpiece of his plans. When addiction strikes, the family is deeply impacted. At New Life Spirit Recovery, we believe that God’s plans are to not only intervene with the addict, but to allow the entire family to receive healing and support.

Even though it appears that the addict’s recovery will resolve all the problems, usually the confusion, betrayal and pain of addiction has more long-term ramifications. Families oftentimes have been fighting the “enemy” of addiction without an understanding of its full force.

They have furthermore been trying to manage and deal with the difficult challenges addiction brought, and in the meanwhile became consumed with it. Because everyone has been affected, the family as a whole must be supported in the recovery process.

Our desire at New Life Spirit Recovery is to orchestrate an environment where reconciliation can occur. However, we aren’t ignorant to to the pain and trauma that has occurred. We believe family members need to be met at their point of need, and given the opportunity to share what they too have been through. From there, we begin to develop solutions for everyone involved.

New Life Spirit Recovery seeks to better prepare families to understand the signs of recovery, relapse, healthy boundaries and positive support. In doing so, a healthy environment can be created that can assist in relapse prevention altogether. While there are never guarantees, through education, understanding and planning, the addict and the family stand the best possible chance of success.

It furthermore gives family members the ability to make choices and to live without the toxic effects of addiction in the future.

Christian Families in Recovery is a resource developed by our sister ministry that is used in churches and recovery groups nationwide. It gives families the education necessary to overcome the fears, and to be equipped to understand the “why” and “where” of addiction. It furthermore helps families plan for the future; being able to set guidelines, boundaries and express needs.

As the designated family representative, you will be allowed (if authorized) to participate in the Family Addiction Education and Recovery Planning Program.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner el_class=\”hidden-xs codependency \” width=\”1/3\”][vc_column_text]

Quick Contact


Family Addiction Recovery Program:

  • You will receive full book download titled Christian Families in Recovery: A Guide to Addiction, Recovery & Intervention Using God’s Tools of Redemption
  • You will receive an application workbook based on the book with daily application and homework projects
  • You will receive recorded classes
  • You will receive up to three one-on-one sessions with a counselor to review the workbook process and prepare for a family discharge plan
  • You will be invited to a family session with the treatment client to write a family plan that will house the needs, expectations, boundaries and methods of support in the transition back home.
  • You will be offered additional resources through our ministry as appropriate or needed

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Co-dependence Resources

Many times, family members feel the need to be supported through 12 steps and Al-anon type program.

At New Life Spirit Recovery, we encourage this, and believe you should reach out into a local community of men and women who are in your shoes. Our sister ministry also provides resources on Christian co-dependence workshop and materials. For more information, please visit our blog at

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