90-day online freedom intensive program

Healing in your own environment at a slower pace

We understand that everyone’s journey is unique, which is why we offer flexible options tailored to your needs. The online freedom intensive program includes weekly counseling, classes and interactive projects. We use a wide range of books and resources to bring the vital educational component to the process. Our online program has already transformed the lives of hundreds of individuals! Through this process you will tell your story, release your secrets, understand your coping strategies and find emotional healing empowered by God’s love. There is nothing in your life that cannot be touched by grace and transformed by the blood of Jesus!

Meet Robert Tucker

Robert Tucker is a licensed specialist who works with a wide range of emotional and spiritual issues. He helped well over a thousand men and women in the course of his twenty year career. He is a pastor, counselor, chaplain, teacher and author with a love for Jesus and a desire to men and women set free!


Robert treats a wide-variety of issues all rooted in the pain of the past, and the manifestations in the present. He is known to offer help:

  • Substance Abuse (post treatment or maintenance)
  • Emotional pain
  • Porn Addiction
  • Pastoral treatment & burnout
  • Marriage counseling
  • Depression/Opression
  • Deliverance Ministry
  • Anger Management

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