Addiction Intensives for aftercare or Non-Substance addiction.

Addictions come in many forms, and have many driving roots. We provide a holistic healing plan.

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Addiction Intensives

Addiction comes in many forms. Learning to understand the root of addiction is what leads to true freedom. We help those who are facing non-substance abuse or those who have achieved sustained periods of sobriety. For those currently struggling with active substance addiction, we urge seeking professional treatment first and considering our program as a supplementary aftercare option.

Our intensive program delves into exploring past traumas, coping strategies, and fostering a meaningful connection with God. We use a variety of tools to aid in the internal discovery and to resolve the conflict that causes the need to escape in the first place.

Robert and Stephanie Tucker have over fifteen years of running an addiction treatment center, and consider this the heart and soul of where they begin in a ministry calling. You will find under their guidance that you will be affirmed and seen as a child of God, not as an addiction or label.

If you don’t know where to begin or are unsure of what would constitute an intensive (and if you are a fit for the program), just contact us to set up a free consultation.

What’s in an Intensive?

7-Day Intensive in Temecula, CA

You will participate in a seven-day program focused on counseling, prayer, and healing activities. We will address your pain story and guide you towards healing and transformation by helping you understand yourself, God, and your life’s true purpose. You will gain tools that assist you; but we focus on the integration of the “head” to the “heart.”


Rest, reflection and

Step back from your daily obligations for a week dedicated to healing. This is your chance for self-discovery and spiritual growth, prioritizing rest over the usual hustle. Use this intensive to quiet internal noise and create space for reflection. This isn’t just time off; it’s an opportunity to nurture your mind, body, and spirit


Follow up program

We provide a follow-up program to help you put into practice the insights gained during the intensive sessions in your day-to-day interactions. Following the intensive, we schedule four weekly sessions to ensure that what you have learned can be effectively incorporated into your thoughts, emotions, and reactions.