
Holiday “Cheer” Getting You Down?


Let’s get honest. Not everyone experiences holiday cheer. Sometimes our life situation is difficult, and as much as we crave the peace of Christmas, instead there is stress and tension. Adding more pressure and commitments to our schedule has a way of deepening anxiety. That’s why it is vital we enter the holiday season with a perspective and a plan.

Download our free guide “Breaking Point – A Christian Guide to Addiction Intervention”


More often than not we bring into the holidays a list of expectations that we place on ourselves and others. It may be what we buy, what we cook, how we decorate, how we socialize, how we give of ourselves. Even more challenging, we may be trying to love our family when we have failed them. Just the same, we may have an expectation on how we want others around to treat and interact with us.

Then, reality kicks in. We are disappointed that we can’t be the perfect spouse or parent, or that everything we wanted to accomplish didn’t happen. Or, we can give our all only to have those we care about disappoint us with a lack of reciprocation.

When our focus is on faulty expectations, we forget the heart of Christmas and what we are celebrating. But when we choose to gain the perspective of Jesus we have immediate hope. That’s because Christmas is about a moment in history when Jesus entered the dirty and seemingly hopeless human experience.  He expected nothing from the people He came to save. He brought no glamor or outward accolades – just a humble expression of God’s deep and great love.

Our challenges are real, and they need to be validated. However, the promise of Christmas swallows every broken place in our heart and life, and usually we discount its power. God dropping down to our level, to meet us at our point of need is what Christmas means.

Whatever you face – addiction, depression, relationship failure, etc., Jesus birth represents the place where God’s love is accessible and enough.


No matter how much you try to gain proper perspective, there is a reality you may be unable to escape. For some of us, Christmas may stir up loss, grief and other hurts of the heart. When this occurs, it’s easy to tuck it away and neglect it. But in truth, it’s better to allow God to expose those areas He wants to help us through. After all, He came to give us the resources to overcome, not to drown in our pain and suffering.

So many addicts relapse during holidays because of the pressure and the inability to process pain. Whether you are facing addiction or other hurts of the heart, it’s vital you form a plan that will aid in how you cope. This includes:

  • Find a human support system. If you don’t have someone you trust in your life or church, you may need to find a local counselor or support group.
  • Acknowledge the painful emotions that rise up and try to give them a voice. Sometimes you’ll find that emotions are in fact taunting you with lies. They hold no truth. Other times, emotions indicate an area of our life needs deeper work. Don’t deny these feelings – listen to what they say and ask God to help you process them.
  • Find a safe place. Planning for difficult moments may include a safe place you go and specific people you call when you are in distress. Think of this as your personal “911” team and emergency room. Hopefully you don’t need it, but if you do, you have it in place.


Don’t let your holidays be dictated by the pressures around you. Press into the power and truth of Jesus and allow Him to guide you in His perfect love.

Resources & Events

Ready to enter into the new year with a fresh perspective? Join our upcoming workshops – they will challenge you to embrace the perspective of God’s plan and purposes for your life.

Breaking Point
4 Weeks Beginning January 18th

if you are on the difficult side of someone’s bad choices, Breaking Point is for you. It will help you gain perspective on what they are doing and how you make healthy choices. This is a four-week class led by a professionally certified counselor.

(This is our sister ministry. Following this link will direct you to another website. Please bookmark New Life Spirit Recovery)

Introduction to Codependence
15 Weeks Beginning February 15th

Don’t let the label intimidate you. Codependence is a way we learn to cope.  When we learn its presence, we can find relief and hope in God’s plan for our life relationally, spiritually and emotionally.

(This is our sister ministry. Following this link will direct you to another website. Please bookmark New Life Spirit Recovery)

Outpatient Counseling (non-addiction)

(This is our sister ministry. Following this link will direct you to another website. Please bookmark New Life Spirit Recovery)

Sometime a support group isn’t enough. We have wonderful counselors who can provide a guided personalized healing process that will include a treatment plan and specific steps to aid you in overcoming issues of the heart. They will also help you form healthy relationships with other people in your life.

Drug & Alcohol Treatment

New Life Spirit Recovery offer certified professional treatment for those struggling with an addiction. This can be done through outpatient or intensive treatment with housing. Why wait until after the holidays to get help? Join our small group format where you will find safety, fellowship and an in depth healing process that deals with the body, soul and spirit.

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