How do I help my Christian daughter who is addicted to drugs?

When someone you love is caught in the spiral of addiction, finding help can be difficult. Modern medicine changes almost daily, and thus the information you receive also changes. As Christians, understanding science helps to an extent, after all we are created by God and He is in charge of science. But to think that addiction is simply an organic brain issue is simply false. There are many reasons why a person ends up in the pathway of addiction. Properly understood, it is a involves the mind (separate from the brain), emotions, trauma, spiritual life and also physical realities of addiction.  While not everyone needs to go to a rehab that involves time away from daily life, learning your options right now is vital. You can clear the highway of confusing information by working through your own research.

If you are at a place of needing to do an intervention through a Christ-centered approach,

Here are some important things to understand

You want to love your daughter and hate the addiction. How do you do this? By recognizing that she isn\’t her addiction. Her addiction is the enemy that is stealing her life.

You want to feed solutions to your daughter that will kill the addiction, but bring life to her. This happens when you stop anything you are doing that will bring comfort to her ability to continue to use. This can vary, but it may be overly bailing her out or allowing her irresponsible behavior.

You can establish an actual intervention on your daughter. Read the book Breaking Point as a free reference guide to how this is established. A christian addicted to drugs has better alternative because she has the Spirit of God active and ready. It\’s vital that you keep praying for wisdom and understanding.

You can allow the pain of her choices to lead her to solutions.

You can research options and programs when and if she\’s ready for change, providing incentives to get help, and consequences for not getting help.

You can speak honestly, in love about your concerns without judging or sounding religious

You can remind her that God loves her no matter what, and has a plan and purpose for her life.

If you decide you want a Christ centered drug rehabilitation or need to speak someone to guide you through this, please call New Life Spirit Recovery Treatment at 866.543.3361.